Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I shouldn't but I will

It's wednesday morning and I really could be sleeping in and lounging around. But not me! I am going to scrap at the shop for a while. Have a lot of Kerrie O's album to copy!!! I am a fledgling member of the 'copy team' and having a ball.
Robyn from Printblocks is coming in demonstrate the new die cutting machine that is all the rage. It's called a cricuit (I think that's how you spell it) . Jodie has had a little play with it at Printblocks last week and is raving about it. She said we will all want one and need to start saving now because it will come to our shores in December roughly.
I probably shouldn't be going to scrap because I have a cold. Raspy voice, runny nose and sore eyes. But I can't give up the opportunity!
I have worked a few extra shifts in the past week because Sarah has been unwell but I need the $'s to pay my CC so I am not complaining.
Guess what? Dog food is on special at Safeway. So each day I have been buying about 5 tins (I can't carry any more than that!) I am sooooo excited!
We had a lovely order from Printblocks come in to the shop. New Karen Foster papers that are devine. All the Autumn Leaves, Mod and Foofala papers and some embellishments. Some new Making Memories 'stuff'. Some more Rhonna Farrer clear stamps. You won't have to buy Basic Grey rubons with swirls anymore if you invest in one or two or three of these. The clear blocks are coming this week as well. My poor CC.
Well, I had better get ready for my day at Scraptac.

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