Saturday, May 27, 2006

Too Much to do & Not Enough Sleep

Hi Ange - thanks for your comment on my blog! Be good to see you again it has been ages!!
In the last 8 days I have worked 4 nights and babysat 2. I have forgotten what it is like to hae a relaxing evening at home.'
Mind you I am not complaining because I love working and if it means a few hours at night well that's OK. Just gets a bit hard to get up in the morning!
Colin has been good about it which really helps heaps. I hate it when I need to do things and he does the 'silent' thing. But that has been ages since it's happened. I think he might be growing up at last.
When I have had a spare moment I have been rushing around from one Spotlight to another getting my ribbon organisation stuff.
For those who don't know, we got the idea from someone else who got the idea from someone else but what it is is the following:. DMC make plastic sticks to wind embroidery threads on to and then they also make plastic sleeves with pockets in them that the sticks slide in to. Then they can be put into a binder.
Well, I didn't realise I had so much ribbon, did I?. I have had to go back for more supplies 4 times. I think I am just about there. But now I'm thinking that the embroidery threads I have could be part of my ribbon organisation too.
It does look fantastic and you see each ribbon individually at a glance. I love it.
Ribbons were the one thing that have bugged many of us scrappers as to the best way of organising them. I think this is it! Thanks to the whoevers who thought of it originally!
Well, I am off to work to teach a 5 hour class.
Then tonight I need to cook because tomorrow we have the whole blyth bunch arriving for a pot luck dinner. I am making beef nachos and will probably buy something for dessert.
Will write again soon (I hope). I thought I was fanatical with chasing down cheap dog food - now I'm becoming a pro at ribbon sticks and sleeves.
Mind you, at the moment, Sandown only has sticks. Moorabbin has nothing at all and Frankston only have sleeves.
Just in case you're interested in the hunt.
Bye for now.

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