Friday, May 05, 2006

The Beginning

After hearing everyone else talking about their blogs, i decided to have a little sneak around and here I am. Joining the masses.
I am not sure how often I will use this and what I will put on here but it may be very worthwhile in terms of remember events etc.
This week I was planning to get so much done, and got thwarted (mainly by myself) at each turn.
Three consecutive days off from work. Planning to get lots of layouts and class preparations done.
Well, really - what did I do instead? I ran around for others (including Colin and the new car saga) did some necessarry grocery shopping. I did spend some quality time with Andrea and Orson and Sahn but spent far too much money.
In the end I spent from 11am until 12pm one day up-dating some class layouts. I was very happy with what I have accomplished in such a short time. But - I really 'wanted' to do more!
Now I am working for the rest of the week and baby sitting (surprise!) and that will take care of my 'spare' time.
Do I sound frustrated? Of course! But, that's life - it always gets in the way of my wanting to scrapbook. Doesn't anyone understand that I have pencils to sharpen, and rubons to sort and papers to choose. Then there are the embellishments..!!
Time to get ready for.....wait for it! WORK!


Sarah said...

welcome to the world of blogging Anna. It is extremely addictive, so watch out!!!!!

Ros said...

Welcome to bloggers land. Your girls at Scraptacular are going to need your own blog soon!
