Sunday, June 25, 2006

Counting Down.Orwas it Up???

What a day today! Do I keep starting all my blogs with the same thing? I am going to have to be more creative in my writing. Better get my Tracy White book out again.
I went back to the Doctor this morning after having been told he needed to see me for my chest xray results.
Happy news!! My lungs are clear! However........the xray showed I 'may' have signs of osteoporosis in my spine. Great!!!! I am going to become a bent over old lady any day now! So now I have to have a bone density test. Now all you 'young Mavis' read carefully. On this blog you will gradually become very informed about the 'natural or otherwise' ageing process. You will become familiar with all the tests and medical sagas that will unfold in my life and this information will prepare you for when you get to be my age. Arn't you all lucky to have this information first hand?
Had fun at stocktaking last night. At Scraptacular we closed the doors to all public at 4pm yesterday and we all started counting. Now we were all doing pretty good until Sarah came out with some outrageous remark and we all lost our count didn't we? Sarah is a lot of fun to work with. I love your sense of humour kiddo. Of course Tamay was chanting quite a bit. I think he may have been counting aloud in turkish. Not really sure what it was.
Can you believe we counted everything in the shop in one day. Including the back storage room. It is quite remarkable when you start counting as to how much is actually there. Phew! I'm glad I havn't paid the bills!
Today we had a family dinner at Andrea's. It was very hectic and rather exhausting. The kids....all 10 of them (one extra) were all crazy. It was fun though. It was in honor of Joshua who just turned 5, and Riley who turns 3 in a couple of weeks. But because they are expecting a new baby brother in a few weeks both birthdays were combined.
Well, time to go to bed.

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