Monday, February 04, 2008

10 days!

This is going to be really quick.
Thank you Dawn, Ange and Claire for your support - I love the balance ideas as well.
Unfortunately, I havn't had my Pet Scan or CT Scan yet!!!
Why not??? Because, I got very sick. On the Wednesday I started to feel unwell and by Thursday morning I was so sick I thought I was going to die. Vomitting, passing out, the works!!! (so all the tests were cancelled)
By the evening my temperature was 38.8c and I knew that I had to page my Oncologist. Who, when he rang sent me straight to Cabrini, Malvern.
After blood tests were done, I was admitted into the hospital via emergency. Put on a drip with IV antibiotics going in as well.
I also had what I thought was a large pimple, or boil on the back of my neck.
It turns out that through a hair follicle or mosquito bite a very bad bug entered my body. My white cell count ( white cells fight off infection) was Zero due to chemo....and couldn't fight the bug.
It turned out to be a staph bug and I developed septicaemia that poisoned my body. The 'thing' on my neck turned out to become an abscess the size of a walnut and a surgeon had to lance and drain that.
So, I have been in hospital for 10days!!!!!!! Feeling a bit better now........and still havn't had any of the tests. And.....chemo has been delayed untill next week, as long as I am well enough to restart. So, I still have 5 weeks of it to go!!!
My life has certainly not been balanced!!!
I can't wait until it gets to that the future.


Dawn Stan said...

Oh Anna, I am so sorry to hear about the horrible time you have had. When our white blood cells are so low it's hard to fight off any bugs.

I hope you are on the mend now and feeling a little stronger each day.

Claire said...

Oh No - that's horrible. I hope you continue to get stronger.