Wednesday, January 23, 2008


It's been a slightly less horrible week. No big dramas or tummy bugs thank goodness. Just the usual yuck and awful!
But.....I am now over halfway there!
Tomorrow I have my CT and PET Scans and I am being really confident that the results will be great!
5 more treatments to go all being well.
And as far as that goes everything is the same old same old. So, I now want to start focusing on some different things that I do actually think about from time to time. I mightn't put anything into practise just yet....but planning and thinking are a good way to start.
It's nearly one month into 2008 and all my focus has been on getting through this 12 weeks of chemotherapy and shaking off the cancer in my body.
This is a natural thing to be focusing on. However there is going to be a lot more of 2008 to live as well. Hopefully without too much of any major health issues coming my way.
So I began to think about Balance!
And many years ago I read a couple of books by a lady called Susan Jeffries. In one of them she had a great 'plan' for achieving balance in your life.
Basically consider my life is in a 9 block grid. Each grid is unique to me because my needs and priorities are mine alone. Once I've indentified what I would like to focus on it then becomes a matter of making sure that I invest time in each of these areas. It won't always be evenly spread. At different times one area will normally take precedent. However in order for this to work I can identify when I am not investing in one area and need to pick up the slack.
The big bonus is: that if something goes wrong in one area of my life.....the other 8 are still working strong and help bouy me up to cope with where a struggle may be. It means that my 'whole life isn't devistated' means that there is invested time and energy already in place.
I love this whole principle and so I am going to try and identify my 9 areas.
These are not in any order of priorities....just areas I want to balance or add for 2008
Education learn a new skill, hobbie
Service helping people
Relationships friendsfamily

So, now I need to look at each of these and set some goals, manageable ones that I can begin to invest some time in them.
Now I can see 2008 a little differently than I have been.
Now I don't see it as 'once I get past having treatment, once I get better'. I can do things NOW!


Dawn Stan said...

Anna glad to hear things are going well. Sending good vibes your way for tomorrow. I know things will be ok.

Love the idea of BALANCE. The nine squares make perfect sense.

Claire said...

I am visualising you doing a little happy dance after your scans tomorrow.

I love the concept of balance you have described here. It's very sound and such a positive way to move forward. Oh, and if you need a little hobby, I think I could help you with that (lol) but maybe that doesn't fit in the concept of balance.

Stay positive,


Anonymous said...

Hey ya!
Add my happy thoughts and prayers for today! And sending you much love and hugs! Oh and this Susan Jeffries is one smart woman... I will have to give it a go!

Love Ange Zav xoxo