Friday, August 17, 2007

Amazing Grace

Colin has had all of this week off, due to not really having any time after his Dad passed away. He was struggling at work last week, and the Doctor has given him this week off, to relax.
We have gone for long, long walks each day. And that's been good for both of us. The past month or two have been pretty bumpy and it's nice to slowly let go of it.
Today we went to see a great film- Amazing Grace about the abolition of slavery. What an inspirational movie that is. I had a few weepy moments as I saw the struggle and the lack of care that William Wilberforce endured year after year. Until eventually he did get the bill passed.
Just makes me think about the hic-cups in my life. I can choose to make them something I learn from and grow from, or something that will pull me down.
I tend to be an 'emotional thinker' at my worst times and that's not the time to make decisions and I've decided that is my 'challenge' to work on right now.
Had a lovely chat with former workmate Anita. She has all my belongings to return to me so we're getting together tomorrow.
It will be nice to have all my scrapbook albums at home for the first time ever.
And, now I'm tired to going to have dinner and relax.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Hi Anna, hope things are sorting out for your now, we will miss your smiling face and inspiration aat Scraptacular, Alison and Debbie