Monday, July 06, 2009

All Done

Finally I finished cleaning out, culling, throwing away, giving away and tidying up my entire scrapbook room.
It is amazing how much space I have in there now. It's calling me to come and create.
It took me a couple of weeks to complete the whole project and I am so glad and so relieved that it's now finished.

I went through every single item in that room...made callous decisions about keeping or chucking away and it was sure worthwhile.

I havn't kept anything that I wouldn't use now. That was my criteria.

Now I just need some time to get in there and start working on some projects.

I have made a few cards because we've had some birthdays and other family functions. But I havn't as yet started a scrapbook page.

Pretty soon I'll be right in to it.

I have been battling a bit with health stuff. Like three out of three people are at the moment. It started with a Sinus infection, then laryngitis and now I have asthma. Which is something I only had when I had pneumonia. However, I'm being well looked after by my Doctor and more importantly by Colin. He has been fantastic....making meals, cleaning up. Very protective!

Really feeling the cold today. Can you believe that? Me, the person who always wants the heater turned down, the cooling turned up. I'm freezing today even with the heater on.

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