Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Joy

Here are three of my Christmas grandchildren. Everyone has already gone home and these three, Blake, Orson and Sahn are mucking around and i'm trying to get a nice photo shoot of them wearing Christmas hats. No!! Only Blake wants to co-operate and Orson and Sahn are just into making it funny.
Well, it is real life art isn't it???
We had a wonderful Christmas day. I was spoiled with gifts but the best gift was having those I love share the day with me. My DH, my kids and their spouses and my 10 gorgeous grandchildren.
We had yummy food, lots of laughs. We played games and sang some carols and told the Christmas story. Because amidts all the celebration we also tried to focus on why we celebrate this wonderful occassion.
Hope you all had a wonderful day too.