Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A few days feel like a week..!

What a week it's been! Actually it's only been a few days but it feels like a week!
Saturday my whole family went to a restuarant to celebrate Colins'60th birthday. It was so great, everyone came and we all had fun. The grandchildren loved it. Colin enjoyed himself and coped with the fact that they brought out a big cake with sparklers etc. and we all sang Happy Birthday to him. Some friends of ours were at the same place as well, and joined in the fun!
My only problem was that I got totally worn out and nearly collapsed.
I got everyone worried and concerned which I never intended to do because this was Colin's night.
I had a massive blood nose as well.......so the evening kind of ended on a bit of a downer. Daniel and Carolina followed us home to make sure I was OK. Everyone else rang or SMS'd through the evening.
We all realised, and me more than anyone how little energy I now have. I physically struggle to a whole lot, and mentally I'm a basket case!!!
So, now we all realise that I have a few more restrictions on my comings and goings. My goings will definetly not be with me behind the wheel of any vehicle. And, I have to accept that I need to allow my family to help me more than I thought I would need to.
My Oncologist told me that this fatigue would increase and make things very difficult for me.
Am I content to lie around and read and sleep??? It's difficult...but I do get up and clean one toilet, have a rest and clean the other one!!!! Not all day long of course...just daily! I still need to be able to do even some small things so that my whole day isn't without something productive in it.
Monday I met little Zachary Dymond!!!! I had big cuddles!!!! He is gorgeous. A real little snuggly baby. Thank you Grandma Robyn for bringing him over to visit. I so enjoyed seeing both of you.
And to Jean for popping in as well.
Today, we celebrated Sara's 28th birthday. My baby!!!!! The girls (except for Carolina and her children because Riley has chickenpox!) bought lunch from a Japanese restuarant and brought it over. The children all played so good and Sara enjoyed her pressies as well!!!
Tomorrow - more visitors booked in! A busy week.
My Pet Scan and CT Scans are booked in for Thursday next week! I'm a bit concerned because I have to fast from midnight....and I won't get out of there until after 1pm. What with already being a basket case mentally and physically I am not sure If I can cope with being there on my own (dropped off and picked up!!). Will have to talk to 'the girls' and see if anyone can come with me and actually stay with me. It's difficult because they all have their children home for the holidays.
So, I guess that in two weeks time i will know what my body has been up to with all the chemo. Is the cancer gone? Is it all gone???
I am grateful for living in this country. Thanks Mum and Dad for moving here!!!! We have such a wonderful health system and I am lucky to be able to benefit from the technologies and medications that have developed and are available. Even if they do make me feel like something the cat dragged in!
Better get some beauty sleep so I can be at my best for visitors tomorrow.

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