We really missed Blakey. He was in Tassie with his dad.
Not sure why, but I didnt' get a picture with son number 2, Martin
Christmas has come and gone....New Years Eve has come and gone!!!! Every day is just flying past so quickly.
I had a great Christmas. We had 21 people at our home. All family.......and it was just the greatest.
I managed to stay awake, reasonably alert and happy all day. Well...untill about 7pm and then I crashed!
Andrea, Sahn and Orson stayed over on Christmas Eve so we had fun with them opening presents early in the morning.
All the food had been prepared and organised by the girls. I didn't have to do anything except be there!
Even got my camera out!!!
I got some great pressies. Seasons 1-3 of House, Pajamas, perfume and some books.
Boxing Day I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Literally! I was exhausted and spent most of the day sleeping and reading.
And then it was back to Cabrini in Malvern for my week 4 of chemo. So that took care of a few more days feeling yucky and awful.
And the weather.......my goodness how hot was it on New Years Eve???? We went to Martin and Tambi's and had a great time. Again I managed to hang in there with everyone. We played some board games and sang and just laughed a lot. It was heaps of fun!!!! Got home about 1:30pm so I did very well.
Today Colin and I went to the movies to see National Treasure 2. Absolutely loved it! We have the first one on DVD which we watched yesterday. I just love the character Riley. He just cracks me up!!! Probably cuz he reminds me of my grandson Riley....the absentmindedness and the 'i just don't get it!'
Tomorrow is Chemo number 5. Another hard one that knocks me out for six for the whole week pretty much.
Can't really eat and nothing tastes like it's supposed to anyway.
I'm getting used to not having hair. I mean.......I have the quickest showers!!! Dressed, and ready to go. No shampooh, no conditioner, no mousse, no hairdryer, no hairspray, no hair colouring, no hairdresser appointments. All pretty simple!
Have found a great website in the US for turban style head coverings that are really awesome and my sister is going to make me some.
I still havn't worn my wig. I like it....when it's on the stand. When I put it on me....it's a wig!!! I can't get past that mentally, and so I feel more comfortable with scarves.
Early tomorrow I am off to Southland with Sara to find a present for Colin. It's his 60th birthday on Monday!! He is getting old!
You are looking so radiant. Ditch the wig and only wear what you feel ok in. I felt so comfortable wearing scarfs, hats etc. The wig was hot and itchy when I tried it on and it never felt really good even though it looked nice. I only wore a covering away from the house for protection from the sun. I figure everyone knew I had no hair, so why should I feel hot with something on my head.
Around the house I wore nothing on my head. Felt really nice. Get a family member to massage your scalp as it promotes new growth.Feels really nice too.
Hope you are feeling well this week.Thinking of you.
hi Anna, i think the scarf looks fabulous :)!
i hope the latest round of chemo has gone well for you
happy birthday to Colin too
jane f
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