It's been a slightly less horrible week. No big dramas or tummy bugs thank goodness. Just the usual yuck and awful!
But.....I am now over halfway there!
Tomorrow I have my CT and PET Scans and I am being really confident that the results will be great!
5 more treatments to go all being well.
And as far as that goes everything is the same old same old. So, I now want to start focusing on some different things that I do actually think about from time to time. I mightn't put anything into practise just yet....but planning and thinking are a good way to start.
It's nearly one month into 2008 and all my focus has been on getting through this 12 weeks of chemotherapy and shaking off the cancer in my body.
This is a natural thing to be focusing on. However there is going to be a lot more of 2008 to live as well. Hopefully without too much of any major health issues coming my way.
So I began to think about Balance!
And many years ago I read a couple of books by a lady called Susan Jeffries. In one of them she had a great 'plan' for achieving balance in your life.
Basically consider my life is in a 9 block grid. Each grid is unique to me because my needs and priorities are mine alone. Once I've indentified what I would like to focus on it then becomes a matter of making sure that I invest time in each of these areas. It won't always be evenly spread. At different times one area will normally take precedent. However in order for this to work I can identify when I am not investing in one area and need to pick up the slack.
The big bonus is: that if something goes wrong in one area of my life.....the other 8 are still working strong and help bouy me up to cope with where a struggle may be. It means that my 'whole life isn't devistated' means that there is invested time and energy already in place.
I love this whole principle and so I am going to try and identify my 9 areas.
These are not in any order of priorities....just areas I want to balance or add for 2008
Education learn a new skill, hobbie
Service helping people
Relationships friendsfamily
So, now I need to look at each of these and set some goals, manageable ones that I can begin to invest some time in them.
Now I can see 2008 a little differently than I have been.
Now I don't see it as 'once I get past having treatment, once I get better'. I can do things NOW!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
A few days feel like a week..!
What a week it's been! Actually it's only been a few days but it feels like a week!
Saturday my whole family went to a restuarant to celebrate Colins'60th birthday. It was so great, everyone came and we all had fun. The grandchildren loved it. Colin enjoyed himself and coped with the fact that they brought out a big cake with sparklers etc. and we all sang Happy Birthday to him. Some friends of ours were at the same place as well, and joined in the fun!
My only problem was that I got totally worn out and nearly collapsed.
I got everyone worried and concerned which I never intended to do because this was Colin's night.
I had a massive blood nose as the evening kind of ended on a bit of a downer. Daniel and Carolina followed us home to make sure I was OK. Everyone else rang or SMS'd through the evening.
We all realised, and me more than anyone how little energy I now have. I physically struggle to a whole lot, and mentally I'm a basket case!!!
So, now we all realise that I have a few more restrictions on my comings and goings. My goings will definetly not be with me behind the wheel of any vehicle. And, I have to accept that I need to allow my family to help me more than I thought I would need to.
My Oncologist told me that this fatigue would increase and make things very difficult for me.
Am I content to lie around and read and sleep??? It's difficult...but I do get up and clean one toilet, have a rest and clean the other one!!!! Not all day long of course...just daily! I still need to be able to do even some small things so that my whole day isn't without something productive in it.
Monday I met little Zachary Dymond!!!! I had big cuddles!!!! He is gorgeous. A real little snuggly baby. Thank you Grandma Robyn for bringing him over to visit. I so enjoyed seeing both of you.
And to Jean for popping in as well.
Today, we celebrated Sara's 28th birthday. My baby!!!!! The girls (except for Carolina and her children because Riley has chickenpox!) bought lunch from a Japanese restuarant and brought it over. The children all played so good and Sara enjoyed her pressies as well!!!
Tomorrow - more visitors booked in! A busy week.
My Pet Scan and CT Scans are booked in for Thursday next week! I'm a bit concerned because I have to fast from midnight....and I won't get out of there until after 1pm. What with already being a basket case mentally and physically I am not sure If I can cope with being there on my own (dropped off and picked up!!). Will have to talk to 'the girls' and see if anyone can come with me and actually stay with me. It's difficult because they all have their children home for the holidays.
So, I guess that in two weeks time i will know what my body has been up to with all the chemo. Is the cancer gone? Is it all gone???
I am grateful for living in this country. Thanks Mum and Dad for moving here!!!! We have such a wonderful health system and I am lucky to be able to benefit from the technologies and medications that have developed and are available. Even if they do make me feel like something the cat dragged in!
Better get some beauty sleep so I can be at my best for visitors tomorrow.
Saturday my whole family went to a restuarant to celebrate Colins'60th birthday. It was so great, everyone came and we all had fun. The grandchildren loved it. Colin enjoyed himself and coped with the fact that they brought out a big cake with sparklers etc. and we all sang Happy Birthday to him. Some friends of ours were at the same place as well, and joined in the fun!
My only problem was that I got totally worn out and nearly collapsed.
I got everyone worried and concerned which I never intended to do because this was Colin's night.
I had a massive blood nose as the evening kind of ended on a bit of a downer. Daniel and Carolina followed us home to make sure I was OK. Everyone else rang or SMS'd through the evening.
We all realised, and me more than anyone how little energy I now have. I physically struggle to a whole lot, and mentally I'm a basket case!!!
So, now we all realise that I have a few more restrictions on my comings and goings. My goings will definetly not be with me behind the wheel of any vehicle. And, I have to accept that I need to allow my family to help me more than I thought I would need to.
My Oncologist told me that this fatigue would increase and make things very difficult for me.
Am I content to lie around and read and sleep??? It's difficult...but I do get up and clean one toilet, have a rest and clean the other one!!!! Not all day long of course...just daily! I still need to be able to do even some small things so that my whole day isn't without something productive in it.
Monday I met little Zachary Dymond!!!! I had big cuddles!!!! He is gorgeous. A real little snuggly baby. Thank you Grandma Robyn for bringing him over to visit. I so enjoyed seeing both of you.
And to Jean for popping in as well.
Today, we celebrated Sara's 28th birthday. My baby!!!!! The girls (except for Carolina and her children because Riley has chickenpox!) bought lunch from a Japanese restuarant and brought it over. The children all played so good and Sara enjoyed her pressies as well!!!
Tomorrow - more visitors booked in! A busy week.
My Pet Scan and CT Scans are booked in for Thursday next week! I'm a bit concerned because I have to fast from midnight....and I won't get out of there until after 1pm. What with already being a basket case mentally and physically I am not sure If I can cope with being there on my own (dropped off and picked up!!). Will have to talk to 'the girls' and see if anyone can come with me and actually stay with me. It's difficult because they all have their children home for the holidays.
So, I guess that in two weeks time i will know what my body has been up to with all the chemo. Is the cancer gone? Is it all gone???
I am grateful for living in this country. Thanks Mum and Dad for moving here!!!! We have such a wonderful health system and I am lucky to be able to benefit from the technologies and medications that have developed and are available. Even if they do make me feel like something the cat dragged in!
Better get some beauty sleep so I can be at my best for visitors tomorrow.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Treatment number 6!!!
Talked to Dr. Richardson today and he checked me out thoroughly. He thinks I 'may' have a tummy bug so has given me antibiotics. However the whole yucky thing can be the treatment. It is an aggressive treatment having it every week and does accumulate in my body. So, he has also given me a new anti-nausea tablet that is on a special government script. So, hopefully I will start to feel a bit brighter.
When I went to have my treatment I got isolated from everyone else in case I did have a bug of some kind.
So, lucky me got to hop on a bed.....and I slept through most of the whole thing.
Not that makes me feel all bright and chirpy because no matter how much or how little sleep I get I am always very, very tired. Part of the deal!!!
So, I have now had 6 treatments. Half way there...kind of. And number 6 card arrived from Robyn today. How clever is she?
In a couple of weeks I will be having a PET scan to see if there is any cancer still. Better not be!!!
If everything is good, then i finish the 12 weeks and then for two years once every two months I have a treatment.
I have never yet asked my doctor what would happen if I had opted to not have the treatment. How long would I have etc? I think I've been to scared to ask that question.
Maybe one day I will. I know he started treatment straight away and aggressively and hard so there was no mucking around.
My Uncle in Holland died from stage 3 lymphoma last year....I never knew that's what he died from. I emailed my cousin and she gave me all the details.
It's such an insiduous don't know you have it. It should be more painful in it's early stages.
I think I'm really venting a bit here!!!
Time to go and watch some TV and lighten up.
When I went to have my treatment I got isolated from everyone else in case I did have a bug of some kind.
So, lucky me got to hop on a bed.....and I slept through most of the whole thing.
Not that makes me feel all bright and chirpy because no matter how much or how little sleep I get I am always very, very tired. Part of the deal!!!
So, I have now had 6 treatments. Half way there...kind of. And number 6 card arrived from Robyn today. How clever is she?
In a couple of weeks I will be having a PET scan to see if there is any cancer still. Better not be!!!
If everything is good, then i finish the 12 weeks and then for two years once every two months I have a treatment.
I have never yet asked my doctor what would happen if I had opted to not have the treatment. How long would I have etc? I think I've been to scared to ask that question.
Maybe one day I will. I know he started treatment straight away and aggressively and hard so there was no mucking around.
My Uncle in Holland died from stage 3 lymphoma last year....I never knew that's what he died from. I emailed my cousin and she gave me all the details.
It's such an insiduous don't know you have it. It should be more painful in it's early stages.
I think I'm really venting a bit here!!!
Time to go and watch some TV and lighten up.
Its' a tough road
I was never intending to use my blog as reference to write my 'cancer journey'. I had big plans to write regularly about where I'm at etc. But that's been a lot harder than I imagined it would be. So, I'm glad that I've kept my blog pretty much up to date.
It's hard to feel like writing when you feel yuck!!!
This last week (week 5) has been pretty tough! I'm feeling more and more tired and just so nauseous all the time. Have to discuss this with my Oncologist today. I have tablets to take but have no idea how bad the nausea needs to be before I use them etc.
So, I havn't accomplished much of any note this week.
It's also hard to find anything I can eat. I can't cope with rich and sickly, creamy foods. Even icecream!!! I was able to eat low fat cheese, but all of a sudden that's not so appealing. It seems like dry bread rolls, fruit salad and icepoles at the moment. Great diet!!!!
I had an amazing and emotional day on Monday.
I have been reading some series of books given to me by a friend....and was enjoying them but she didn't have anymore.
So on to Ebay I went, and find 9 of them!!! And managed to buy them all for a song. So they arrived on Monday.
Plus a parcel from my niece Abigail who lives in Adelaide. She sent me an MP3 player!!! She included a letter that just blew me away and had me sobbing!!!! Her thoughtfulness and caring and the music she already uploaded on to it were all to help support and strengthen me!!!!
Then.......another niece, Stephanie who lives in Canada with her husband and new baby rang me!!! Her baby wasn't sleeping so she decided to call me. We chatted for about an hour!!! It was so much fun, and reminiscing over past Christmas' we used to share as families.
So, Monday I laughed and cried a lot!!!!
Andrea has been so amazing again. She organised all the girls to make a meal each because we were down to frozen dinners. She's taken me shopping for Sara's birthday....and cleaned the house.
Today she is picking me up for my treatment and it's going to be hot! hot! but she's OK about coming all that way.
Sara will pick me up and drop me off at home,l where I will immediately turn up the AC and crash!!!!!
So many friends have made meals, popped in to do ironing so thank you Noelene, Myra, Jean and of course my dear friend Robyn for sending me a card every week to help me count down the 12 weeks. Gorgeous hand made cards........and lovely cheerie emails. Also, Anita for always making me crack up at her comments and her emails.
Thank you to for Dawn and Jane for your encouraging comments....I do appreciate it heaps.
Time to brave the day.......!
It's hard to feel like writing when you feel yuck!!!
This last week (week 5) has been pretty tough! I'm feeling more and more tired and just so nauseous all the time. Have to discuss this with my Oncologist today. I have tablets to take but have no idea how bad the nausea needs to be before I use them etc.
So, I havn't accomplished much of any note this week.
It's also hard to find anything I can eat. I can't cope with rich and sickly, creamy foods. Even icecream!!! I was able to eat low fat cheese, but all of a sudden that's not so appealing. It seems like dry bread rolls, fruit salad and icepoles at the moment. Great diet!!!!
I had an amazing and emotional day on Monday.
I have been reading some series of books given to me by a friend....and was enjoying them but she didn't have anymore.
So on to Ebay I went, and find 9 of them!!! And managed to buy them all for a song. So they arrived on Monday.
Plus a parcel from my niece Abigail who lives in Adelaide. She sent me an MP3 player!!! She included a letter that just blew me away and had me sobbing!!!! Her thoughtfulness and caring and the music she already uploaded on to it were all to help support and strengthen me!!!!
Then.......another niece, Stephanie who lives in Canada with her husband and new baby rang me!!! Her baby wasn't sleeping so she decided to call me. We chatted for about an hour!!! It was so much fun, and reminiscing over past Christmas' we used to share as families.
So, Monday I laughed and cried a lot!!!!
Andrea has been so amazing again. She organised all the girls to make a meal each because we were down to frozen dinners. She's taken me shopping for Sara's birthday....and cleaned the house.
Today she is picking me up for my treatment and it's going to be hot! hot! but she's OK about coming all that way.
Sara will pick me up and drop me off at home,l where I will immediately turn up the AC and crash!!!!!
So many friends have made meals, popped in to do ironing so thank you Noelene, Myra, Jean and of course my dear friend Robyn for sending me a card every week to help me count down the 12 weeks. Gorgeous hand made cards........and lovely cheerie emails. Also, Anita for always making me crack up at her comments and her emails.
Thank you to for Dawn and Jane for your encouraging comments....I do appreciate it heaps.
Time to brave the day.......!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
From one year to the next.....!
We really missed Blakey. He was in Tassie with his dad.
Not sure why, but I didnt' get a picture with son number 2, Martin
Christmas has come and gone....New Years Eve has come and gone!!!! Every day is just flying past so quickly.
I had a great Christmas. We had 21 people at our home. All family.......and it was just the greatest.
I managed to stay awake, reasonably alert and happy all day. Well...untill about 7pm and then I crashed!
Andrea, Sahn and Orson stayed over on Christmas Eve so we had fun with them opening presents early in the morning.
All the food had been prepared and organised by the girls. I didn't have to do anything except be there!
Even got my camera out!!!
I got some great pressies. Seasons 1-3 of House, Pajamas, perfume and some books.
Boxing Day I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Literally! I was exhausted and spent most of the day sleeping and reading.
And then it was back to Cabrini in Malvern for my week 4 of chemo. So that took care of a few more days feeling yucky and awful.
And the goodness how hot was it on New Years Eve???? We went to Martin and Tambi's and had a great time. Again I managed to hang in there with everyone. We played some board games and sang and just laughed a lot. It was heaps of fun!!!! Got home about 1:30pm so I did very well.
Today Colin and I went to the movies to see National Treasure 2. Absolutely loved it! We have the first one on DVD which we watched yesterday. I just love the character Riley. He just cracks me up!!! Probably cuz he reminds me of my grandson Riley....the absentmindedness and the 'i just don't get it!'
Tomorrow is Chemo number 5. Another hard one that knocks me out for six for the whole week pretty much.
Can't really eat and nothing tastes like it's supposed to anyway.
I'm getting used to not having hair. I mean.......I have the quickest showers!!! Dressed, and ready to go. No shampooh, no conditioner, no mousse, no hairdryer, no hairspray, no hair colouring, no hairdresser appointments. All pretty simple!
Have found a great website in the US for turban style head coverings that are really awesome and my sister is going to make me some.
I still havn't worn my wig. I like it....when it's on the stand. When I put it on's a wig!!! I can't get past that mentally, and so I feel more comfortable with scarves.
Early tomorrow I am off to Southland with Sara to find a present for Colin. It's his 60th birthday on Monday!! He is getting old!
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