Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Surprise

Here are my two beautiful daughters. One, Andrea is the mother of three gorgeous children. The other, Sara is the mother of 8yr old Monty and........she's pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!! She has wanted another baby for so long but the timing hasn't been right for her and her partner, Maga. Now, they are in their own house and now must be the right time!!!!!
Baby is due next November.

Am I excited??? I sure am! Grandchild number 12......wow!!!!

Sara and Maga told us yesterday when we had our traditional Easter Monday get together as a family. A perfect time to tell us because we were all together and it just added to the wonderful day we were already having.

Easter is always a special time as we reflect on the antonement and resurrection of our Saviour. We also had General Conference and there was one talk given by Elder Jeffrey Holland that was so powerful. I was in tears.....and I am sure many others in the congregation were too.

Of course our family get together didn't go without it's usual mishaps. Firstly, India stepped backward off the decking and fell very awkwardly with her head landing on the edge of a brick. So a huge egg and a nasty scrape on the arm resulted in a lot of tears. Then just when the children were ready to start their egg hunt Blakey got pushed off the deck by enthusiastic cousins and landed with one knee on the ground and the other foot still up on the balcony. Ouch!!! So a sore knee and another nasty scrape on his leg and a lot of tears.
Then finally the kids all went to get their eggs!! Phew!!

Then we had two little ones with a loose tooth each. Exactly the same tooth.........in separate mouths of course. India tugged away at hers and then Joshua tugged away at his and out they both came!!!!! They were so funny watching them to see who could pull theirs out first.

I was exhausted when we got home but it was such a wonderful day that it was a blissful exhaustion!!!
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