Another busy and funfilled week has passed. Had little grandchildren staying here nearly all of last week.
Took some to see Beverly Hills funny! The children really loved it. Although I must admit I have spent a fortune these past two weeks on childrens entertainment. Will have to make some changes there for future hols.
Thursday we all went to Myuna Farm in Doveton. It was such a gorgeous day. The weather was perfect and the farm is very, very clean. Can't find the photos so will have to post another time.
I have 'nearly' finished my Cancer Journal. The last four pages only need some stamping on them. Then there are some bits and pieces I want to add and it will be finished. Thank goodness. I am sick of working with the same paper range. I am eager to clean up the 'mess'. I have had the same things out on my desk for months because of using them throughout this album.
I am looking forward to doing some photo pages, and also doing my timber letter tray. Not sure what to use as my topic. Will I do it about me...the things I love and enjoy doinig. Or about my family????
Earlier this year I subscribed to an American craft mag. I went for the 6month option and have now been receiving snail mail to remind me this subscription is just about finished. I havn't decided it I am renewing or not. Then lo and behold I check my bank statement and notice a large withdrawel amount by this Craft Company. What the..? I emailed them and had no response so I gave them one more chance before taking the matter to my bank.
This morning I get an email to say they will gladly refund the money if I am not interested in the automatic renewal option!!!!!! I never signed up for any automatic renewal. And I am concerned that my credit details are on file there. So, just a warning to anyone out there...this seems to be a common practise in the US. Check your credit statements carefully!
I had to have a CT Scan yesterday which started out OK with the usual drinking of a litre of yucky liquid. Then it was time to put in the needle so I could be hooked up to the contrast drip. Could not find a vein.......two nurses tried.....then the Doctor luck! So, the scan was done with the contrast. My GP told me later in the day that this is not the ideal way to have the scan done because little things may be missed. I can't afford for little things to be missed so will have to call my Oncologist this morning and see if he is happy with that result.
I have always had bad veins for blood tests etc. Hence having a picc line put in for all my chemo treatments. And the chemo can wreck your veins....and that is a permanent situation. So this could become a problem for further tests etc. More stuff to work out!
Have been to the gym a couple of times now. Although.....I get really,really tired by mid afternoon and that was explained by my GP yesterday. Having been/am still being treated for Lymphoma that is going to affect my energy levels. So I am not allowed to do anything too intense because I will just be wasted later. Guess that's what's will have to take it much slower at the Gym. (not that my efforts are intense by any means....everyone else there goes like a train)
Jumping in the shower now......going to Paper2 and out for lunch with a good better get myself moving.
1 comment:
anna, Hi, your grandkids are soo gorgeous,
I have your bits, but email not open so letting you know here instead.
Cheers Karen
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