Also love the SEI papers. I've always been a fan of SEI and have heaps of their papers that i havn't used....yet!
Andrea and her little ones are starting to settle down a bit in Brisbane. Not without any problems though. Two weeks ago Blakey had an accident and ended up with one of his front teeth pushed back up in the gums. It's OK now....but required some immediate intervention.
Last week little Sahnie broke her arm. In a very unsual place...just above the elbow. An orthopaedic guy had to check it out, and called her back this week for further x-rays in case she needed pins in it. Fortunately she doesn't and now has a full top of the arm to the start of her fingers bright pink cast. She holds her arm with her other hand all day long. Poor little girl.
I wish I was there to hug and kiss her better.
It's been a funny couple of weeks. Some closures:- we auctioned off our investment property which Sara has lived in for the past 7yrs. It was no longer serving the purpose for which we had bought it. We got a good price.....!
I have started doing some creative work for a friend, and after giving her some samples she was so happy with what I had made. "much more than what she had expected" were her words. It's been fun and am looking forward to doing some more for her. She will be opening a shop in about 6 weeks or so and hopefully my work will be part of her business. It's only 5mts down the road which is perfect.
I have been really, really tired this week. I can sleep a 12hr night and then still fall asleep anytime during the day. This is all still part of my cancer and treatment but it's such a drag. Makes it difficult to be motivated doing the mundane everyday things.
I had afternoon tea (herbal for me) with Robyn Baker this week. So lovely to catch up and chat. It's nice to stay friends with great people. We actually had a good chat about some things that I was struggling with. Verbalizing that I was at a certain point but my feelings were not in sinc with my words. Then her simple statement 'you can't fix it!' really hit home. After all I have done.....there is nothing left to do. I am ready to let go and move away....feels so good!!!!!
Had a sleepover with Carolina whilst Daniel was in WA for the week. We had such fun...played games with the children and then we planned to watch a movie, but instead we just talked and talked till we both fell asleep. So cool....doing that with my daughter in law.
Next week I have the 8 weekly blood tests and Mabthera treatment in hospital. Will talk with my Oncologist about the tiredness I am experiencing....see if it's 'normal'.
That's it for this week. Need to check the quiche I put in the's probably burnt by now.
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