Saturday, August 23, 2008
Bizkit & Balou in the Sunshine
My two one year old twins are really enjoying a bit of warmth......even if it is inside!!! Bizkit with the white nose is such a poser and Balou is so very sweet and gentle.
My little children............xoxo
On a tougher note. My darling daughter Andrea is coming home. Her stint in Brisbane turned out to not be what she and Matt hoped it could be. Too many difficulties that he wasn't able to deal with or overcome. Problems with the children adjusting etc.etc.....
So, fortunately Martin is in Brisbane for work next week and is taking a couple of extra days to drive Andrea and the children home.
Of course, here in Melbourne we are ecstatic that they are coming home. None of us wanted her to leave. Poor India was still crying last week about missing Orson and Sahnie and Blake.
It's tough on Andrea.....she is devastated. But again.....some good news. We were able to get a rental property for her about 6 houses up from Martin and Tambi in Langwarrin. In the street she grew up in.
She's going to need heaps of love and support from us all.....but we are good at that in our family.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Adorable little face!
Also love the SEI papers. I've always been a fan of SEI and have heaps of their papers that i havn't used....yet!
Andrea and her little ones are starting to settle down a bit in Brisbane. Not without any problems though. Two weeks ago Blakey had an accident and ended up with one of his front teeth pushed back up in the gums. It's OK now....but required some immediate intervention.
Last week little Sahnie broke her arm. In a very unsual place...just above the elbow. An orthopaedic guy had to check it out, and called her back this week for further x-rays in case she needed pins in it. Fortunately she doesn't and now has a full top of the arm to the start of her fingers bright pink cast. She holds her arm with her other hand all day long. Poor little girl.
I wish I was there to hug and kiss her better.
It's been a funny couple of weeks. Some closures:- we auctioned off our investment property which Sara has lived in for the past 7yrs. It was no longer serving the purpose for which we had bought it. We got a good price.....!
I have started doing some creative work for a friend, and after giving her some samples she was so happy with what I had made. "much more than what she had expected" were her words. It's been fun and am looking forward to doing some more for her. She will be opening a shop in about 6 weeks or so and hopefully my work will be part of her business. It's only 5mts down the road which is perfect.
I have been really, really tired this week. I can sleep a 12hr night and then still fall asleep anytime during the day. This is all still part of my cancer and treatment but it's such a drag. Makes it difficult to be motivated doing the mundane everyday things.
I had afternoon tea (herbal for me) with Robyn Baker this week. So lovely to catch up and chat. It's nice to stay friends with great people. We actually had a good chat about some things that I was struggling with. Verbalizing that I was at a certain point but my feelings were not in sinc with my words. Then her simple statement 'you can't fix it!' really hit home. After all I have done.....there is nothing left to do. I am ready to let go and move away....feels so good!!!!!
Had a sleepover with Carolina whilst Daniel was in WA for the week. We had such fun...played games with the children and then we planned to watch a movie, but instead we just talked and talked till we both fell asleep. So cool....doing that with my daughter in law.
Next week I have the 8 weekly blood tests and Mabthera treatment in hospital. Will talk with my Oncologist about the tiredness I am experiencing....see if it's 'normal'.
That's it for this week. Need to check the quiche I put in the's probably burnt by now.
Friday, August 01, 2008
Enjoying Time
At last I have done a new layout of Monty. I used to be so good keeping up to date with all the events and Grandchildrens photos. But...obviously I got behind for a long time and am now ENJOYING time to catch up.
Lamont loves to pose for the is obvious in this photo. It's hard to get a photo of him without 'the pose'.
We had a great day out in Sherbrooke Forest on the Queens Birthday holiday. Everyone was there except Sara and Monty.
I got so many photos of all the grandchildren on this massive log. So many that poor Harrison just had enough and fell of backwards, dragging McKenzie with him. It was so funny and because no-one was hurt we got to have a good laugh.
I am enjoying doing simple layouts, get some photos done and don't have to agonise over too much of it. (and I do a fair bit of copying!)

Lamont loves to pose for the is obvious in this photo. It's hard to get a photo of him without 'the pose'.
We had a great day out in Sherbrooke Forest on the Queens Birthday holiday. Everyone was there except Sara and Monty.
I got so many photos of all the grandchildren on this massive log. So many that poor Harrison just had enough and fell of backwards, dragging McKenzie with him. It was so funny and because no-one was hurt we got to have a good laugh.
I am enjoying doing simple layouts, get some photos done and don't have to agonise over too much of it. (and I do a fair bit of copying!)
This layout is from quite a while least 15mths. At our favourite rendevous (Braeside Park). Just great kids, cousins (aka: Grandchildren) having some fun together. Again I enjoyed keeping it all pretty simple.
Apart from a bit of Scrapbooking I have:
1. Gotten used to going out and about without any head cover at all. Just my very, very short silvery white hair. I get heaps of complements so it must be looking OK. Can't wait for it to grow longer so I can get a 'cool' haircut. Although, Mckenzie loves my 'princess hair'. ??
2. Got my tax return back already.......and havn't spent it all yet!
3. Am going to be making cards etc. for a friend of mine who currently has an online business but is going to open a shop in the next few months. I am so excited! And...went out buying 'stuff'. all girly - shabby chic - fun and bright 'stuff'. The girls at Paper2 are getting to know me now. Is that a bad thing??? I am so grateful to Kathy for asking me to do this. It is giving me some new focus and lots of fun.
4. Scrapbooked a few times with Tambi and Krystal. Next week having a few more good friends come over for a bit more fun.

5. Still miss Andrea and the children so much. We talk nearly every day.....yesterday I talked to Orson for a while and then he said; "I miss you Nanna".....well needless to say I had a big cry after that. Andrea is finding pretty hard in Brisbane. She doesn't know anyone and is getting pretty lonely without friends to go out with and chat to. I am wondering if it's all really going to work out........only time will tell.
6. Went to see Mama Mia with Sara, Tambi and McKenzie (she gets in on all the fun with big brother and sister being at school!). I loved the movie. Always have loved the music......and it was just happy and bright enough to have a good laugh and enjoy spending time with Sara. She's so busy with work that I don't get to see anywhere near enough of her.
7. Sara, Carolina and I have been watching the Gilmore Girls series. Sara bought them and we pass them on to eachother as we finish each season. Just really loving this show because it's so uncomplicated and fun to watch.'s time to feed Colin and watch some more of Numb3rs...oh yeah I bought the first three series of that show cuz we've been spoiled watching too many shows on DVD and now watching free to air TV is just basically annoying with all the ads etc.
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