Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I had the famous PET scan today. I thought I needed to take my kittens with me considering it had to do with pets!!!
Seriously, it all went fine. A much better deal than the bone marrow biopsy. Just the usual trouble with finding veins to pop needles and other stuff in to me.
So today I am a bit nuclear - because they had to inject me with some stuff that's radio-active.
Better not light a match!!
It's getting a long long drawn out thing. The tests and the waiting.
On monday I see Prof.Richardson and will then get a good picture of the treatment plan. I havn't been thinking about it all too much because I am not going to get worried about side-affects etc., untill I know exactly what I am facing.
I have worked two shifts this week, and will work again tomorrow. That has helped me so much.
Colin has been home since Thursday, when he had an operation on his eyelid. He has been a good patient, although his eye isn't comfortable. He goes back to his specialist on Monday too.
What a pair we are at the moment.
He has been so good. Vacuming, ironing, dusting even. He gets a bit 'stir crazy' being home all the time, so he asked me for a list of jobs to do. I wasn't going to argue with that!!
I still get tired easily. This is probably a combination of having non-Hodgkins lymphoma as well as the stress my body went through with the anaphalaxis. It's only been 3 weeks after all.
Actually, nearly four weeks now.
I have been having fun making some Christmas presents. They are actually something Jodie made at Scraptacular last year with the Collections tile kits. I'm making one for each of my children and their families.
I also made a clock for Tambi for her birthday. So I'm going to show that off with a photo of it on my blog when I can find it on my puter. Just had a look everywhere and I can't remember where I put it, or what I called the folder.
Ahh....senior moments!!!!
Going to do some work now!

1 comment:

Dawn Stan said...

Glad all is going well for you. Just take one step at a time.