It has been quite a while since I added anything to my blog. I think I'm a bit over it these days and asking myself why I am keeping a blog at all.
Then I remembered all the benefit of having a blog when going through difficult times and how I was able to record all my thoughts, feelings and what was going on in my life at that time. Later I was able to refer back to all that information I had stored to create a journal of that time in my life. It was so helpful being able to do that. So, I figured that it is worth keeping on going with my blog.
What have I been doing? Nothing remarkable......everyday things!
Movies? - just saw Angels and Demons yesterday. Great movie. I love Tom Hanks as an actor although he is a bit controversial in his private life with his opinions on some things that I don't agree with and that has kind of changed my view of him a bit.
Scrapbooking? not a whole lot. I am finally working on my type drawer that I bought about a year ago. Mine has lots of very narrow long sections in it and so it's taking me a bit of trial and error to work out how to be creative with the whole thing. I am finally getting somewhere now. I have done a couple of classes at The Scrapbook Scene....which is always fun and I enjoy very much.
I notice through store newsletters and in talking to some store owners that there are a few online stores and retail stores being sold or closing. I guess that in this economic climate scrapbooking products are not really a necessity (although.....I could debate that point!), and I can imagine that sales etc. are down a bit.
It's still important to keep recording those personal/family memories - just have to figure out a way to keep the cost down.
Family? Always busy with my family. My darling eldest daughter, Andrea who is a single mother of three and has already had confirmed that her youngest daughter is Autistic has now had her eldest diagnosed with Aspergers. Quite a lot to deal with and poor Orson in the middle misses out a bit. So we are trying to have the children over for sleepovers at different times so she can focus on one at a time or have a day to herself.
I am so grateful that I am well enough now to be able to help her out this way.
Our other children and their families are doing really well. Isabella is 6months old now and so very cute. Time goes way too quick!
Sara is looking 'pregnant'! and has started wearing maternity clothes.....she looks so beautiful. In a few weeks she will find out if this baby is a boy or a girl.....can't wait to find out myself!
I had to stop going to the gym. It was taking too much out of me and my doctors told me to quit and just stick to walking. So every day Colin and I go for a 40mt quick (for me it's quick) stroll around the neighbourhood. I can only do it in the morning though!
My tests are still good.....and I am still having my 'every eight weeks' treatment. I do have to be very careful of infections because my lymphocyte count is much lower and always will be due to the damage from the lymphoma. So I'm hoping to not catch anything 'sinister' this winter.
I have been really enjoying reading again. I am devouring books lately and I guess that's why I am not getting as much scrapbooking done.
This week I am off to Geelong with my dear friend Robyn to the Kaiser Craft outlet and maybe check out the local scrapbook store and hopefully pop in to see our other dear friend Rosemary who has moved to Lara. It will be a great day........friends and scrapbooking 'stuff'. I'm looking forward to it.
Later in the month I am going to Paperific with Anita and her friend. 3 Dutchies together!!! Great fun......and hopefully some good bargains to buy as well.
I will try to keep up with my blogging a bit better than I have been.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
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