I just want to wish anyone stopping by my blog a very Merry, Merry Christmas and lots of happiness and joy in 2009.
I have been taking pics of my grandchildren with Santa hats on...while I can! Not everyone is co-0perative.....but I try to do it each year.
Other than writing out lots of Christmas cards, finishing Christmas shopping and starting some baking I am just coasting along.
This year Christmas lunch is at Andrea's house. The first time ever that it hasn't been at ours! She has such a great place with a huge outdoor area with lots for the children to do.
I am taking Blake and Orson shopping for something special they can buy for their Mummy. Blake especially loves to be part of the whole Christmas thing and would be horrified if he didn't get to buy a little something for his Mum. I'm thinking we're going to Dusk and The Bodyshop.
I have been able to get some great deals on ebay for Cricut Cartridges. I just had delivered the Home Accents one and it is gorgeous. Lots of swirls, birds, butterflies, decorative frames, flowers, words with swirls. Just beautiful. I think I have another 3 coming!! oops!!! But one only cost me $50 and others no more than $80. Pretty good deal!
Last week on Friday I had a phone call from Peter Gregory, the surgeon who tried to operate on my tumour but had to abort due to the anaphylactic thing!! He rang to ask how I was going, and said 'I will never forget you"...I think it's more "I will never forget the drama of that day!". But it's so nice that he stays in touch...still....after it being over 12 months ago.
Had another treatment last week. This one seemed to leave me feeling a lot more yucky than usual. However...today I'm pretty good again...just a bit tired! The good news is that I don't have to have another CT Scan until April! Whoopee!!! That is sooooo good!
I took some yummy cupcakes made by my friend Kathy, for all the staff in Oncology at Brighton Cabrini. Kathy put some angels on the top and they looked just fantastic. The girls there were so pleased and I felt good wishing them all a wonderful Christmas. They have all been so wonderful and kind and happy every time I go in for treatment. They really are angels!!!