Friday, December 21, 2007

Three more Christmas Angels.......well it's hard to see if the third one is an angel. Grandchildren India by the tree, Isaac totally uninterested on the couch and curly top Mckenzie. These beautiful little ones came with their mum Tambi to visit today. They brought lunch and dinner for tonight. Thank you heaps!!!
Had my third round of Chemo yesterday and overnight....feel like a Zombie today....but a bit wired because of the steroids kicking in. I'm just hoping I don't get sick like last week.
In the shower today I lost about a baseball size wad of hair. Yucky! Tomorrow is looking good for the big shave. And...I think I'm OK about it.
Thank you Dawn for your encouragement and ideas all the time. I have found the oral drops from the Chemist you recommended are great...didn't bother getting the script from the Doctor filled at the Chemist.
It's getting closer and closer to Christmas Day......I think I'm more focused and into it this year than for ages.
Colin is hope until the 14th of january. He is just great. Helps with everything and anything and has been the best!!!!
Received Robyn B's 3rd card this week.....a Christmas Card of course!!! Thank you dear friend!
Time to try and eat a bit.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Magic of Christmas

Just getting into the spirit of Christmas. It's such a magical time of the year. This week a few of the ten little grandchildren have been for a visit. Riley, Joshua and Harrison and Blakey and Sahn.
Of course they love all things Christmas so getting out the camera was no problem.
I love the cheeky look on Sahns face as she's attempting to denude the Christmas tree and gather herself some ornaments.
Christmas is a magic time. No matter what else is going on. It's a time to reflect on the reason for Christmas. Why we celebrate this very special occasion of the birth of The Saviour.
I love hearing the children talking about this and the respect and reverence they have.
Of course.......the presents kick in pretty quick too!!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


What have I been up to this week? It seems like the days are just flying by. Which is good news at the moment.
Andrea came over with Blake and Sahn, to clean the house for me and then we went to do a bit of shopping for things for Christmas day.
I actually ventured out on my own as well. I had to go to many bills to get some money back from. So, I decided to drive to Southland way before anything opens so that a) I could get a car park and b)so that I could get into Medicare without having to wait in a huge line because I would probably pass out. 8:15am there I was.....a close car park spot and 45mts to use up. Well BigW was I bought some things there. then positioned myself on a bench outside Medicare and waited.........I was the 2nd one in there and on the way home by ten past nine.
When I came home a friend called around, and said she'd just popped in to do my ironing for me. How sweet. We chatted for a while and then she was gone. Thank you Noelene
Tonight another friend popped in with a meal for us. I have frozen it because we were OK for tonight....but it will come in handy later on. Thank you Cindy
Had a doctors visit, and then popped in to work. I won't be able to make the Christmas breakup on Friday so I left my Kris Kringle pressie there and some choccies for everyone. It was great, because Vickie had made a point of coming in to say Hi.....and she was just so great and encouraging.
Talked to me heaps about how I'm feeling about loosing my hair etc. It was good to look at that for a bit....not for too long...kinda got my head in the sand over that one.
THEN......this morning I wake up early. Sara and Monty are sleeping over as usual. I'm standing in the bathroom at 5am running my fingers through my hair and watching the pile of hair get thicker and thicker in the basin. Sara realised what was happening and jumped out of bed and hugged me.....we both just looked at the mess and laughed.
However, it's been a strange day with this happening. Something I can't now ignore.
So.....because I have such a great bunch of kids and grandkids we have planned a Haircutting Ceremony for Saturday.
My hair is going to shaved off. Martin's hair is going to be shaved off. Isaac's hair is going to be shaved off. Monty's hair is going to be shaved off. Orson's hair is going to be shaved off.
All in support of me! It's going to be a scrapbooking moment (when I get ready to revisit it one day down the future) with lots of photos.
I have a wig, I have caps, I have scarves I have hats.........I just won't have hair!
Tomorrow I am back in hospital.......3rd round of Chemo and an overnight stay at Cabrini Brighton.
I have felt good today.....energetic....getting things done. Tomorrow I have the full round of drugs so it will knock me out again.'s something I have to do with a positive attitude.
Better go and practise some interesting scarf tying.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Stuck in the BP Service Station!

I had my second round of treatment on Friday.......felt exhausted again when I got home. Which was pretty late actually. My treatment started at 10:30 and I didn't get home till 5pm so it was a long day.
It was good that last Wednesday I had a pickline put in my arm. No more looking for veins to give my treatment through. Just straight into the line that's permanently in my arm.
Didn't feel too bad Saturday, but then this!!! Colin and I had to go out briefly and I needed to stop........! The nearest place was a BP Service station. I went in, asked for the key to the toilets....and half an hour later I was still there. I was soooo sick!!!! It was horrible! I thought I was going to have to crawl out to the car. Poor Colin didn't have a clue why I was taking so long.
That's the worst I've felt so far.
Now for the good hair is still there. Although it has stopped growing. I don't have any re-growth coming through!
I have lost nearly 8kgs in weight since the whole hospital thing started early November. Don't recomment this as a good weight loss programm though!
Had a lovely email from our Church Womens Auxilliary (Relief Society) to say that once a week for the length of my treatment one of our dear members will drop off a meal to help out.
So, between family and friends I am getting so much support and help. I feel truelly blessed.
Had some lovely cards from friends during the week. Thank you Claire, Sue & Peter and Maureen and Derek.
Tonight we had a family dessert night.
Blakey is going to Tasmania on Tuesday and won't be with us for he got his presents from the family tonight.
I just love seeing all the family together, and all the joviality and fun that comes with it. It's the best medicine!!!
The older ones are asking me when my hair is coming out. They tell me that I will be getting nothing but wigs for Christmas!!!! Nothing like the children to keep things normal.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

One week down......!

A big big congratulations to Hayley........a new baby boy!!!! A little brother for Sebastian.....Zachary.
Grandmother Robyn was very excited last night!!!
I also want to thank Robyn for your sweet cards. Sending one each week to help me count down the 12 weeks is such a beautiful gesture. And I love the sentiments you put in as well. You are a great friend!
It's been a real learning curve with my first week nearly done.
Learning what all the 'home medications' are for. Which ones make me feel OK, and which ones don't.
How to use my days well and still be kind to myself.
Driving is a real problem. My brain is so foggy.......! And as for shopping, well forget it! I went to Parkmore with Andrea on Monday and ended up giving her my shopping list and just following behind. She was even worried she might loose me and have to send out SOS signals!!!
A big thank you to my girls for helping me.......I hope that they continue their enthusiasm for next 11 weeks.
Andrea has driven me all over the place for appointments. Dragging little Sahnie around who has been getting grumpier by the day. Can't blame her!!!
Tambi making a meal that lasts for two nights.....and visiting with India and McKenzie.
Sara for sleeping over two nights and bringing Monty (although this is a normal routine, it just means more) and chatting and laughing. Especially when I'm wandering around the house at 5am eating a banana!!! Well, I was hungry!
Carolina for your encouraging phone calls and listening ears when I was feeling a bit emotional.
My boys too, of course. Daniel calling at 10pm to ask me how I'm feeling!!!
Martin is in Brisbane this week for a big Motorola presentation he has to do, so havn't heard too much.
And....Colin. He has been a real strength and encouragement. I think it's only just hitting him what this is all about so it's been hard for him too.
I'm feeling a bit churpy because it's the end of the chemo week, and the effects of the drugs are much less. Then comes tomorrow and I'll be trying to deal with the chemical blast again!!!
I've finished all Christmas now I'll be able to seriously work on my journal and anything else I feel like doing.
And....this is a ridiculous time in the morning to be writing on my I'm going back to bed!!!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Yuck and Awful

The whole chemo thing is very overwhelming. 24hrs in the hospital and a continual stream of drugs going into my body.
  • Then there's the extra tablets that you have to take
  • And the box full of different stuff to take home to take untill next week
  • The injection in my tummy just before going home.

The staff are amazing and the other patients are all sweet and perpy and lovely. I was just overwhelmed. By the second day I slept through most of my session.

Coming home.....well it's good!! I feel yuck although you get so much stuff now to stop you throwing up which is good. I feel very tired, all the time.

So, I push myself through that a bit. Had a 30mt walk this morning, did some ironing and a bit of tidying up. Then a rest.....then a bit of work on some Christmas projects and now I've had it again.

Had fun with my wig yesterday. I arrived on Friday and there was no way I was going to open it. Of course when Sara came around with Monty she wasn't going to waste any time and before long Monty was modelling it, then Sara and then it was my turn. That wasn't quite as much fun.

But....I think we made a good choice. If not, bad luck because that's what I'll be wearing. Although I'm liking the idea of scarves more I think.

Well, that's my post for now.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

And It Starts.................

Had an interesting day today. My GP has the report from my PET Scan and rang and asked me if a colonoscopy has been arranged.'No.' was my reply. 'Why?' was my question.
Well in my large bowel is a growth about 2cm it may be innocent, but it may not be and needs to be investigated straight away.
'I'm starting Chemo tomorrow won't that kill of anything there as well?'
No.......that would need surgery and ray treatment.
'Go away!' was my reply.
So, now he's emailing my Oncologist to find out what is happening in regards to this.
Honestly..........I feel like I'm punch drunk.
Went to Cabrini Brighton Oncology for an information interview with the head oncology nurse. She is so lovely. Didn't like all the stuff she told me. Like, arrange a wig immediately!!! You're going to be on steroids as well as about 50 other drugs. I don't want to put on weight....I want to loose weight. Not just hair!!!
It is all very overwhelming. Also I have the worst veins and will have to go to Cabrini Malvern next week to have a permanent port put in. They'll manage for tomorrow ( it really starting tomorrow??) but definetly will have trouble after one week.
Have all this stuff to read about the side effects and the things to ring the doctor about in the middle of the night, if they happen.
I don't think I'll get to sleep if I start reading all of that.
Came home to a huge bunch of flowers from two lovely young mums (sisters, Elizabeth and Amy) and a phone message from a florist to say she has to deliver flowers and it will be after 7pm.
I am so looked after by friends and family.
Thank you too Jane and Claire for your encouraging messages. It sure helps a lot and I appreciate it very much.
Time to sign off..........You'd think nothing else was happening in my life at the moment wouldn't you? Like my two daughters fighting over who is going to take me to the hospital tomorrow. Hey girls, there's going to be 12 weeks of this! And daughter Andrea coming over unexpected and cleaning my whole house. What darlings I have raised.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Moving Goalposts

The goalposts have moved, again. Everytime I see a Doctor I get new news.'s never an improvement on the first lot.
Today I had my appointment with my Oncologist. He had the results of my bone marrow biopsy and PET Scan.
Fortunately there is no cancer in my bone marrow. Which is the biggest relief, because the prognosis for that would not be good.
However, in my lymphatic system it is not confined to just my neck. I have the cancer in three different groups of lymph nodes.
I was again just blown away by this news. I have had the hardest time over the past 4 and a half weeks. With the unexpected cancer diagnosis, with the anaphylaxis shock, and now the cancer being worse than first thought. It's not easy dealing with all this. And the waiting. Since September I have been on a treadmill of good news and bad news and tests and more tests. It's exhausting.
Well, the fact that this is now Stage 3 cancer means the treatment is going to be tough. I start this week. Will be kept in hospital overnight just to see how I cope. I will be given a cocktail of about 5 drugs.
That's going to be my life for the next 12 weeks at least. I will be loosing my hair which I can't come to terms with yet. In fact I'm really trying not to think about that at the moment.
So, Christmas is going to be tough this year. I won't have the energy to be the star of the party. I will have to leave that up to all the little people.
I have had this cancer for 2 years. Two years ago I was in hospital with pneumonia and it's quite possible that it was from that virus, the cancer started.
It explains so much. The fatigue and tiredness that I struggled with and pushed through over that time. I never felt that I really recovered properly and would easily succomb to colds and flu bugs around.
Why it was hard for me at work and coping with a lot of things that happened to our family this year.
It all makes so much sense.
My job is still going to be there for me when I finish treatment, when I'm ready to take on a bit of work. I don't think I will work as much as I was, and maybe not at all. But it's so nice that I am appreciated for the work I have done there, and for how quickly I learned 'the ropes' in my new job.
I told Monty tonight that I need to get some medicine to take the lump away in my neck. That this medicine is going to mean that my hair will fall out and I will go bald. Well, the expression on his face was priceless and then he cracked up laughing. I've never seen a bald grandmother before!!!
The little grandchildren are going to be such a help for me. Things will stay in perspective and life will certainly have lots of funny moments.
Now, do I buy a wig? Is it going to be too hot to wear one anyway? Do I enjoy wearing pretty scarves? Maybe my sister can make me some cute hats to wear.
Never thought I would have to make decisions like this.
It's been another big day and I need to sleep.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I had the famous PET scan today. I thought I needed to take my kittens with me considering it had to do with pets!!!
Seriously, it all went fine. A much better deal than the bone marrow biopsy. Just the usual trouble with finding veins to pop needles and other stuff in to me.
So today I am a bit nuclear - because they had to inject me with some stuff that's radio-active.
Better not light a match!!
It's getting a long long drawn out thing. The tests and the waiting.
On monday I see Prof.Richardson and will then get a good picture of the treatment plan. I havn't been thinking about it all too much because I am not going to get worried about side-affects etc., untill I know exactly what I am facing.
I have worked two shifts this week, and will work again tomorrow. That has helped me so much.
Colin has been home since Thursday, when he had an operation on his eyelid. He has been a good patient, although his eye isn't comfortable. He goes back to his specialist on Monday too.
What a pair we are at the moment.
He has been so good. Vacuming, ironing, dusting even. He gets a bit 'stir crazy' being home all the time, so he asked me for a list of jobs to do. I wasn't going to argue with that!!
I still get tired easily. This is probably a combination of having non-Hodgkins lymphoma as well as the stress my body went through with the anaphalaxis. It's only been 3 weeks after all.
Actually, nearly four weeks now.
I have been having fun making some Christmas presents. They are actually something Jodie made at Scraptacular last year with the Collections tile kits. I'm making one for each of my children and their families.
I also made a clock for Tambi for her birthday. So I'm going to show that off with a photo of it on my blog when I can find it on my puter. Just had a look everywhere and I can't remember where I put it, or what I called the folder.
Ahh....senior moments!!!!
Going to do some work now!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A mixed bag..

I am really amazed at the lovely encouraging comments left on my blog by some very special ladies.
Dawn I so appreciate what you have written.
I to have been printing from my blog because that's the only place I have recorded what's been going on.
I to have become exhausted calling all my children and my sisters and friends each time I have an appointment or a test.
We have decided to have one nominated person that I call and they call the others. And so on. Because it really it far too much for me to cope with going over and over the same scenario.
I really appreciate the quotes you left for me. I am only at the early stages of this whole cancer journey but have already learnt so much that I know I wouldn't have if I wasn't here.
Yesterday was my bone marrow biopsy. Yikes that hurt...and still does.
I have been so blessed with gorgeous children. Sara who took me to the hospital for the test and stayed with me, drove me home, looked after me.
Andrea who has spent the morning with me today, doing the washing and some shopping. The love we all feel within our family just seems to be more acute since they had to deal with almost loosing me, and I have to deal with the cancer.
There's just so much to be grateful for, scared of and unsure of.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

No More....

Claire, thank you!
Yesterday was a very difficult day for me.
A visit to an Oncologist! I never thought I would go through all the gammut of emotions that I did. It was probably the most stressful thing I have ever had to do.
However, in my mind I was confident that my test results all show that the cancer is isolated to one area.
That is what everyone thought, that is! The Oncologist is not sure. So I have to go for a PET Scan and A Bone Marrow Biopsy.
It just seems to keep on getting harder and harder.
And I've decided that although I do want to record where this is all taking me and my feelings etc., I don't want to do this on-line. It's not going to be something i want anyone other than my family to read anyway - and that will probably be in a long time from now.
I have decided that keeping an on-line diary isn't what I want to do at the moment. At least not about the challenges I am facing.
I have a beautiful new journal and I am going to use that.
From time to time I will buzz by my on-line blog for 'general life's journey' things.
Thanks girls for your encouragement!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Counting my Blessings - Positively!

Ange, Alison and Jane.......thank you so much for the lovely messages. Great to read, and great to get a positive message.
Tomorrow is the big day to get the low down on whatever treatment I'm going to need.
In the meantime I have been trying to keep busy.
Although I don't have much energy I am planning......and when I do that the internet is a bit of a temptation for me.
Firstly I bought a Cricut cartridge on E-bay. The Christmas Cheer one, of course! And I only paid $111.00 for it an absolute bargain! Can't wait to get it!
Then I contacted a sweet lady who I know sells Stampin Up and she's dropping by a catalogue so I can choose a Christmas Set.
Yep.....going to start making Christmas cards! And some great off the page stuff I saw around as well.
Hoping that energy returns a bit though!!!!!!!!
Then I've got lots of other bits and pieces to make for presents.
Nope, I am not going to get bored and I'm not going to get depressed or feeling sorry for myself.
I'm alive.......I don't have any long-term after affects from the anaphalactyc thing.
The anaesthetist called me at home yesterday. Apparently they did some blood tests and for allergies the upper level of normal figure is 13 - mine was 63! acute reaction was a real big whammie. He is also amazed I didn't have a stroke, or renal failure. How blessed I am.
He's actually presenting my case tonight for his colleagues. Should be interesting - not!
Well, I've also been looking around at the gorgeous new Urban Lilly Journal. I thought this would be a great little thing to own so I can journal about all this experience and what's ahead.
Not as a scrapbooking album but just a personal one, with some little scrapbook touches to it.
Uhmmmm.....I know my job is waiting for me, but I'm spending like I've worked an 80hr week!!!
Better hit the brakes!!!
Time to turn the computer OFF

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Unshakable Faith

Girls, thanks for your supportive comments. I am not sure who anonymous #2 is, and Linda you are sweet.
I have an unshakable faith in a loving Father in Heaven and his purpose and plan for me is his alone to decide and guide me towards.
He is a forgiving and loving God and he knows the follies of us in our mortality. Everyone of us!!!!
I know this without any doubt at all.
I am not going to qualify comments left on my blog by referring to them.
Today I have been inundated with phone calls from good friends, visits from my children and grandchildren and happy and supportive emails.
How truelly blessed I am!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Almost There....

About a month and a half ago I wrote on my blog here that I had a lump in my neck. I wrote about the subsequent tests etc and that everything turned out fine.
Well, from that i was sent to a surgeon for cosmetic purposes.
And everything began to unravel from there.
Firstly this surgeon straight away told me he was pretty sure I have Hodgkins Lymphoma and the lump needed to be operated on immediately - in four days time to be exact.
This was a huge shock for me. Having been told that I was clear of any 'cancer' link. I was shaking and in tears.
On friday november 2nd I reported for duty at Cabrini Hospital, Brighton to have my surgery in the afternoon.
I get pretty scared of aneasthetics so I was given a pre-med and 10mts later wheeled in to the operating room.
I remember the usual things of being transfered to the operating table. The anaesthetist looking for suitable veins to administer drugs. A mask on my face and off to sleep......................zzzzzzzz!
When I began to recognise sounds around me, I was a bit bewildered. I began to sense that something was different.
Firstly, I had a breathing tube down my throat which I kept gagging on. My hands were tied to the railings of the bed (apparently I tried to pull out the tube!) and conversations that I picked up bits and pieces from didn't make sense.
So what had happened????
Within a minute of going to sleep I had an anaphalactyx allergic reaction to one of three drugs that I was given. (Don't know which yet)
I had no pulse, I stopped breathing. So, I was intubated and massive amounts of adrenaline given to me.
It took an hour to stabilise me enough to transport me via the MICA Ambulance, with the aneasthetist accompanying me to Cabrini Malvern and in to Intensive Care there.
And that's where I began to wake up.
My operation hadn't been done because I had basically died on them.
I will forever be grateful to two amazing men and their staff. Dr. Peter Gregory and Dr. Rod Taylor. Rod Taylor was the aneasthetist who saved my life. Who stayed with me to Intensive Care and was there again first thing in the morning. As was Peter Gregory.
My poor family!!!! they had all sat with me during the night untill they were told I was going to make it and then returned at the crack of dawn. Rod Taylor took them all aside and explained everything that had happened and gave them the opportunities to ask questions.
Meanwhile the staff in Intensive Care had been kept very busy keeping me alive during the night.
Once I came to and things were slowly coming together for me it was the most surreal experience. If I had died I would not have even known I was in such a critical condition. I didn't know any of this had happened.
The next big task was to organise a new surgeon and anaeasthetist to do the surgery, which couldn't be delayed.
Peter Gregory called on his workmate and he in turn called in a specialist aneasthetist and between them all assurred me that they would keep me safe.
So, surgery was scheduled on Monday. It did go OK, and they did keep me safe. I am so grateful to these wonderful people who have had the biggest affect on my life.
Although he didn't do the actual surgery, Peter Gregory has stayed in touch with Colin and with myself almost daily.
This kind of experience really shakes the doctors involved and although if they had to they would operate on me again, but prefer not to. Understandably.
I was so protected, watched over and felt so loved by my family, friends and everyone involved.
I had personal experiences that will stay with me forever.
The pathology result is not what I wanted to hear. I do have cancer in the lymphatic system. It doesn't appear to be anywhere else but in my neck and will require treatment.
Next week I see an oncologist.
I never pictured myself dealing with Cancer. I have never pictured myself looking at the ravages of the treatment on my body. I have never wondered how I might cope if given this kind of news.
Here I am looking straight at it. I am still very affected emotionally and mentally by the past 10 days. However, I feel a strength within myself that I can do this.
Of course I havn't started anything yet and won't know how I'm going to feel.........soon that will be a reality and I may see things very different.
I was almost there...........I was almost gone from this earthly life. life was saved for a reason, for a purpose. I know that without a doubt. What that is will come my way when it's time.
My family both close and extended, both here inVictoria, around Australia, in the US and Europe have all sent their love and prayers to me and I have felt that so strongly.
I am so grateful for my faith, for my knowledge in Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I was given a comfort that only He can!
Now I see so much of what I didn't see before. The things that matter, and the things that don't. The things to invest emotion, time and energy to, and the things to let go.
It has been traumatic, but yet a blessing at the same time.
That's it for now.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Close to the surface......

Just had a lovely time with Martin (son) and Tambi and the kids. We went for a long walk, and the kids rode their bikes.
That's such a nice part of living where we do. We have lots of bike paths and places for the little ones to ride safely.
Then we had taco's and 'stuff' for dinner together.
Tambi had made a chocolate cake and I had made a whipped sort of dessert - all very yummy.
McKenzie (2.5yrs) was so funny. She had eaten plenty and there she was with this chocolate cake sitting right in front of her.
She lowered her head and stuck out her tongue and took a huge 'lick' from the icing of the cake.
It was sooooo funny. Except that her daddy growled at her and made her cry.
She was sooo cute. Tears and chocolate cake all over her face.
What a sweetie.
Just had a lovely email from Wendy who has been so supportive and a good friend to me through tuff times.
She has also experienced some of the same tuff things in her bid to support me and express her own feelings.
Sometimes you just wonder how things get to where they do.
Going over past stuff just brings all that horrible emotion back. It's still so close to the surface.
Just a wrong choice here, or there and you're somewhere where you never intended to go.
And lots of times I still have a big question. What did I do, exactly. Because I've never had it explained to me.
Oh well.......some questions are just going to remain a mystery....and life will continue on without the answers.
Time to go and watch some TV, relax and get my head straightened out again.

Friday, October 26, 2007

This week has been unremarkable, except that I had another birthday.
Doesn't seem so long ago since the last one!!!!!!!!!
I was very spoiled both by family and very unexpectedly by my new employers.
It's nice to feel accepted and that I fit in at my new job. I am meeting some really interesting people as they come in for treatment. Some people have such difficult lives and it makes me so aware that I am truelly blessed.
I worked extra hours this week as Narelle had some days off. So today, my day off I had a big nanna-nap.
I did work on a double birthday layout for a while but the desire and need for a sleep overcame the desire to scrapbook.
On Monday I go and see the neck surgeon/specialist about the big lymphnode lump that is still very evident in my neck.
I'm a bit nervous as I don't do well with the thought of surgery. I'm also still nervous with thoughts at the back of my mind asking questions as to why this lymphnode is still so enlarged and what is it reacting to. Even though biopsy tests indicate nothing sinister - I am looking forward to hearing what this specialist has to say about it.
Another busy weekend with Martin and Tambi and the kids coming over for dinner and an early bike-ride before eating.
Sunday is family dinner and I am making dessert.
I decided to look through these little Womens Weekly Menu Planner books I have owned for about 20yrs now.
They brought back memories of many meals we've had way before our kids were grown up. So for the first time in many years I have made a meal plan for the coming week. Something I used to do every week. Takes the guess work out of what to eat each day, and what to buy each week.
So, for dessert tomorrow night (after we eat taco's) I am going to make Flummery. My kids loved it - so now I'm going to introduce the grand-kids to it.
Think I'll be in the kitchen a bit more than usual tomorrow.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Enjoying the moment........

Again another busy week and weekend has passed.

Busy with working, busy with family, busy scrapbooking.

I have had a lovely weekend. My weekend always starts on a Friday which is lots of fun. I met Sarah (youngest daughter) at Southland and we shopped and browsed and enjoyed spending some rare time together.

Saturday was Monty's birthday party. Which was all go from the start. It was at Springers and they organise kids parties there. A lovely young man helped the kids play basketball games, soccer games and t-ball. It was heaps of fun for them all.

I am glad there isn't a party this week!!! Although, I could organise one, seeing as how it's my birthday next monday. But.....I think I'll pass on that idea.

The weekends seem to be more exhausting than the working week at the moment. I'm looking forward to maybe going to see a movie or something next weekend.

I think I've missed all the movies that I had wanted to see. Although The Kingdom looks good because I am a Jennifer Garner fan. Ex Alias etc.

I had some real relaxing fun doing a few scrapbook pages. Some new ones to put in the frames I have hanging all around my home.

One of Sahnie at her birthday party and one of India at Sahns party.

They are scraplifted, but I have no idea where from.

Sometimes I just browse around all different sites and print off layouts I like. Then later I forget where I got them from.

So, if they look familiar and you think they may be yours..........please know that I enjoyed copying them and am really happy with the results.
I am really enjoying being able to scrapbook however I want. After so many years of preparing classes and needing to think differently about planning layouts it's nice and relaxing to work with my photos in whatever way I feel at the time. Which often means just copying a basic design I like and then adding my own touch.
After a 10.5hr day it's time to relax and watch a bit of TV. I'm always glad when Monday is behind me because that's my longest day every week.
I got a nice complement at work today. I'm now part of the furniture. Although I know I am on a 3month trial it's nice to know that I am fitting in and doing the job well.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Pretty 2yr old

This is my beautiful little grandaughter Sahn at her 2nd birthday party. She wasn't too fussed about a lot of the games but she sure did love the chalk drawing on the balcony.
Sahnie I love your hair in the two little pig tails. You are such an adorable and cute little girl.
Despite the fact that you have some development delays you are changing all the time.
I see you expressing yourself differently and just getting a grasp on things at a much faster rate than you used to.
You love to keep up with the older kids and that's great because you learn to copy what they do. Even the naughtie stuff!!
Our third birthday party in a row this week - it was such a beautiful day that the children could play all the games outside.
they particularly loved the game of tying balloons to your ankles and whilst attempting to protect your own try to pop some one else's.
Andrea made a gorgeos cake for Sahnie. Really pretty. Pink and bows and flowers etc. Nice to see after having so many 'boys' birthday cakes around. I even got some scrapbooking done this weekend. A layout of Isaacs birthday and nearly finished one of India's birthday. Just ran out of time. At work today all the staff got their specially scanned for, orthotics. Pretty special working at a place where you get something worth about $300 for nothing. Especially when I've only been there for 6 weeks.
And mine are really comfortable too.
Off to Medicare today to claim some of those 'big' pathology/radiology bills. And then buy some new photopaper. I bought a pack of 50 last week and used them all!!! Mainly printing photos for the family. Because I usually am the only person taking photos I thought I'd share a few.
Time to go and dry my hair - it's drying by itself at the moment and that's not going to be a good look.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Just had to come back for a minute

I keep forgetting I wanted to post a couple of photos on my blog from Friday of last week.

Our weather has been really nice, but Friday last week we had this huge hail storm.

One of those ones that comes with furious wind and last about 10mts max.

I had to rush out and take some photos of course, because I could see a layout happening right before my eyes.
The funny thing was our little kittens. We opened the family room door, and called them. Both of them kept running up to us, but then kept running straight back into the garden and getting drenched. The poor little things didn't know what to do. The sound on the patio roof was so loud that they were just scared out of their wits.
When I did get them in I had to wrap them both up in towels to dry them off.
Fortunately they both recovered well from their exciting afternoon.

It's All Good........... nearly!

I have been sweating the results of two biopsies I had done on Tuesday. One on a huge lymph node in my neck and the other on a growth on my thyroid.
Well today Dr.Nick gave me the good news that neither have any cancer. Whoopee!!!!!!! Even though I felt confident that things would be OK, there was always a little niggling doubt in the back of my mind.
I still have to go and see a throat surgeon because he may want to do surgery on the lymph node, and maybe on the thyroid. Will wait and see what he says. I hope he doesn't want to do anything. That would suit me a lot more.
I have just printed out about 60+ photos. Some to give to family members and others for me to scrapbook. I think I spend more time organising myself to scrapbook, than actually scrapbooking.
The photos are all of recent birthday parties held for little grandchildren.
India's 'princess castle' book was such a hit, I had to make one for Sahn. Hers I made out of Basic Grey papers as well but I used the Lilly and Kate ones.
It's Sahns 2nd birthday party today!!!!
Got home from a late evening out with some girlfriends, on Thursday night, to find a huge parcel! I hadn't ordered anything, and I didn't think passports (which was the only thing I was expecting!) came in such a huge parcel.
It was from Express Publications and I had won a prize for a competition I entered months ago.
Yeah!!! I havn't won anything, ever. So this was fun.
Unwrapping it was a challenge in itself. However when I got to the goods I have 2 large albums, 1 6x6" album. Refills for all of them. A tote for lots of bits and pieces. Embellishments, craft mats and more.
Pretty lucky girl.
So, this week has been a great week. I worked about 25hrs again. I am feeling really comfortable at my new place of work. Everyone there is pretty easy going and there is always someone setting someone else up so we all get a laugh.
I worked two nights by myself and did allright so I now work my permanent 29hrs per week and that's great. Now I can get some routine and things worked out with meals etc. It's a bit harder when I get home after 7:30pm two nights and after 6pm two nights. But, I get a 3 day weekend every week. Loving that!
I'm off to organise a birthday layout. Then off to another birthday party. Sahn's 2nd birthday. It's going to be crazy. Lots of big people, lots of little people and not a whole lot of room. Should be fun though...................!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Busy,Busy Saturday

I started off Saturday very early, for me that is!
Daniel and his family and Colin & I were assigned to clean our chapel today. What? On Grand Final Day? Not only Grand Final day but also India's birthday party!
So, we were up and at the Chapel for 7:30am. We cleaned toilets, and vacuumed, washed windows and dusted. By 9am we were done! Everything smelt nice and clean and looked good. It was actually a priviledge to have helped to fulfill that assignment. It felt good!
Home for a quick shower etc., and off to McDonalds Karingal for India's party. Weren't we only there two weeks ago? Yep, but that was for Isaacs party.
India turned 5 and she had her friends from Kinder and her cousins of course. Took some cute photos. But not too many this time. Usually I take way too many and never print them all, or scrapbook them all.
After the party we went back to Mart and Tambi's for a little while to check out Indias presents. She got so many Bratz dolls and pretty girly stuff. I made her the Princess Castle book which is a kit class put out by Aussie Scrap Source. I made it out of Basic Grey Pheobe paper and looked just gorgeous. She loves it and it's already on display in her room.
Then it was off to Andrea's house to watch the footie game.
The game wasn't much - a bit blow-out. But the outcome was great. Not that I am a Geelong supporter, but you couldn't deny them the idea of winning a Grand Final after 44yrs.
Dan and Carolina came over as well, with the kids. Then Mart, Tambi and the kids came over and we had fish and chips and pizza for dinner.
Now after a day of Maccas, pizza and chips I feel disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!
Not the best thing for the waist line. Actually, what waist line?? I can't even find mine.
Work has been great this week. I worked about 25.5hrs. Still learning, but getting more confident. I worked by myself again on Wednesday night. And monday night is my first 'big night' on my own. I think I'll be OK. Maybe.
So, I went to get my UltraSound results from Dr.Nic. It turns out the big lump in my neck is a lymph node which sits right next to my thyroid. On my thyroid is a growth of some sort and the lymph node is not happy about it and is reacting to it.
Now I'm not getting jumpy just yet. Although I have been looking on the internet.........just to scare myself.
Nic tried to get me in to see one of his 'throat men' but both are on holidays. Of course! And he himself is on holidays this week!!!! Great medical care! Actually he is sending me off for a needle biopsy. Yikes!!!!! Just the thought of that is frightening enough let alone that the fact a biopsy is only done to check out if the 'thing' is cancer or not.
But, I'm trying not to think along those lines. Just taking one step at a time.
So, the next step is this needle biopsy which I get done on Tuesday morning. I hope it doesn't hurt...........!!!!
I have an appointment with Nic on Saturday morning to get those results. Not thinking that far ahead either.
Because, next Saturday is Sahns birthday party. She will be 2yrs old. I can't believe how fast time goes.
The following Saturday is Lamonts birthday and he will be 8.
The Saturday after that is pretty much my birthday.....but we wont' go there.
Gonna do some ironing and then watch The Bill. Love that show!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Nervous Wait

Yesterday I discovered a very large lump on the side of my neck. Yikes! Was my first reaction and then got all nervous and worried. I hadn't had an accident or bumped my neck. I had been a bit sick with a cold, fever and sinus stuff - so maybe it's just nothing.
Of course all the crap I've had to deal with over the past couple of months would not help to have a non-stressed and healthy body. All that stress isn't good for anyone.
Went to my friend Dr.Nic and he didn't know what it is so sent me off for an ultrasound today. After having three people prod and push around my neck for 45mts I still don't know what it is.
The last person to play with the ultrasound was the Doctor and he thinks it's an enlarged gland. About 3.9cm which is huge!! But doesn't know why and what it's consisting of.
'Do I have to worry?' I asked him. 'Well maybe yes, or maybe no. I can't say without further tests.'he said.
So what further tests? Maybe a CT scan and/or a needle biopsy.
Now I'm really worried. And, why can't they do all that today so I don't have to wait and get all anxious in the meantime.
Don't they know I need answers today?????
OK, I have decided I am not going to get stressed and worried unless I have to. I don't believe it's anything sinister because it just appeared so quickly.
For now, that's my position. And if I start to think differently I will need to just get myself back on track.
Otherwise I could be using up so many emotions and that would be exhausting and it might all be for nothing.
So here's to a positive mind set while I wait, and wait, and wait.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Little Cats

this is Bizkit

And this is Balou.
Hey Ange - meet the cats!!!
Balou is a very quiet, loving and gentle kitten. Bizkit is crazy!!! She never sits still. In fact I've had to get the water spray out on her a couple of times. She is very funny. Last night she jumped into the bath - not realising that it had lots of water in it!!! She literally walked on water to get out it was the funniest thing to see. Shame I didn't have a movie camera on hand at the time.
Balou likes nothing better than to snuggle up and lick me on my face. Of course I don't want to be licked on my face so it's a constant battle to stop her. I move her away, I cover my face and she pushes her nose in trying to get to me. She is very persistent.
They both love the computer and like to help me type whatever I'm trying to do. They also love to try and catch the curser.
I love cats and have usually always had one. But after Dribble (yep! He was named after the basketball term, dribbling) was gone we never got another cat.
It's nice to have them around.

Pal Dog Food

Karen, I had to laugh at your memories of my 'dog food' blogs. Seems like an eternity away. I don't buy dog food anymore, cuz we had our old dog Mari euthenased about 10weeks ago. That was a pretty sad time because she was nearly 15yrs old!
However, now I look for Whiskars instead. Yep, I came home with not one but two kittens. They are sisters and I couldn't take one and leave the other one there by herself.
So, if you notice if Whiskars is on special anywhere let me know.
Yep, it is good that things are now going a lot better. No-one escapes the hard and difficult times that pop up here and there in our lives.
Just feels great when you come out the other side and you're still in one piece and can keep smiling.
Thanks for your comments - and I am much more diligent about keeping my blog up to date. So you don't have to tell me off anymore!

Everythings Good!

Had another great week. Didn't work as many hours, but the week flew by just as fast. Don't really know what I did with all that time!
I've decided I am going to sort all my scrapbooking albums. I really only have Heritage ,Puffing Billy and Christmas as individual ones at the moment. I think I might try to organise them chronologically. It's going to be a massive undertaking but I think it will be worth it. At the moment when I am trying to find a particular layout I have to look through 15 albums and try to guess where it might be.
Had lunch with two lovely friends, Rosemary and Robyn, today. Hayley also popped in and said 'Hi'. I am so happy that we stay in touch and keep our friendships alive and well. I don't see them as much as I used to because I don't work where I used to and that's where I used to catch up all the time. Now, we catch up about once a month and it means a lot to me that they like to stay in touch too.
Heading off to Daniel and Carolina's for dinner tonight. Get to sit on their new couches. Brown leather, is all I know about them. I offered to make dessert and Carolina asked me to make mini pavs. Which isn't really mini pavs because I break up the pavolova shells and it looks just like a big pav.
Can't wait to see Josh,Riley and Harrison as well.
Also can't wait for the weather to get a bit milder and then we can all hang out more at parks etc. Lots of photo ops!!!
I got quite sick this week. Think it started off as hayfever but quickly developed into a burning throat, and the next day my voice was gone and so were my sinus'. I had the aches and shivers etc. I still went to work yesterday, feeling like crap. And got some 'treatment' and some homeopathic drops and tablets and by today I am feeling a whole lot better. That was so lucky cuz I think I was going to be in for a big bout of flu.
It's great that I can use good stuff to get rid of the bad stuff, instead of anti-biotics. So far, so good!!!
Off to dinner!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Really Lovin' It

I have now worked two full weeks at my new job and am just 'lovin it. I'm working anywhere between 20-30hrs each week but I always get Fridays off. When I stop being trained my hours will be set which is good cuz then i can get into a routine and organise myself a bit better.
I'm finding it fun, challenging and meeting really nice people. Which is what I enjoy doing.
I'm also excited because the other day I came home and there were 3xpizza boxes waiting for me. No, not with pizza's - Scrapbook Stuff of course!
I had placed an order with Blue Bazaar, one with The Scrapheap and one with 2Peas and they all came on the same day!
I got the new, new Elsie Stuff - not much of the paper because they were out of stock, but the buttons etc are great. Love the colours.
Got some 'boy' papers from both the other stores.
It was fun. I sat on the bed and opened each one as if it was Christmas.
Now I just have to fit in Scrapbooking in my schedule. Which I am sure I can manage.
Although at the moment I am hooked on the old TV show 'Felicity'. My girls have bought the 4xseries on DVD and I've only just started on the first one. Sitting there watching 4 episodes at a time - is just the best way to relax. Only means I stay up way too late and I don't scrapbook.
Just got home from work and now I need to eat dinner. Thankfully I made enough last night to cover tonight.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

All charged up

Had a great weekend. Went to Isaac's 7th birthday and had so much fun with all the littlies. He was very very spoiled with his presents. Lucky little boy!
Andrea and the kids and Dan & Carolina and the kids all came over and we went for a bike ride. I got my bike out too!!! That's a bit amazing in itself. Colin and I had been on a bike ride the day before, out for about 45mts and I was sore and stiff after that effort.
I thought riding along with the kids would be the best fun, which it was. For a little while, but then my handlebars worked themselves loose, and were going in all directions. So I got a bit scared to ride it. Darn!! It was so much easier riding than walking.
We were all out for about 2hrs and then came home, made dinner together and enjoyed some yummy pasta and salad.
I've had an amazing weekend really. I am feeling a peace I havn't felt in a long time and it's comforting and feels good.
I so love time with my family and friends and just relaxing and enjoying each moment.
Now I am ready to start another week at my new job.
It's an great place to work and the people there are all focused on such positive things.
Just love it!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Sweet Kristy

Today i went to the funeral of my dear, sweet friend Kristy.

There were so many people there and everyone wore something pink. Pink because it is her favourite colour and pink for breast cancer.

Even the men wore pink ties with their suits. It was such a special and beautiful touch, and united everyone in their purpose of being there for Kristy and for Luke. The spirit of love and kindness and peace was breathtaking.

Kristy's coffin was the softest, softest pink - almost white and the flowers were all shades of pink and white.

I feel so blessed to have been there, to have felt the spirit of her love and her testimony in every word that was said about her. Luke read out a letter, to Kristy. There wasn't a dry eye there it was so emotional and moving.

It is so special to know that she has only just moved on, that our time here on earth is so short compared to eternity. And how important it is to get priorities right and focus on those things that are eternal.

God bless you sweet girl.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Those 'Sometimes Moments'

I've had a few of those 'sometimes in life' moments over the past few days.
Good things, great things, sad things and unpleasant things. And each of them or their own become something to learn from but when they all come together it can be pretty overwhelming.
Loosing Kristy this week has been an enormous challenge. I'm so glad that her own faith has been such an example to those she has left behind. Giving everyone strength to understand that God Does Work in Mysterious Ways and that when we can't make sense of why things happen in it is our faith and the faith of others that helps so much.
I have really enjoyed starting my new job. I have worked 3 days now and will work again tomorrow. It's nice to be in an environment where you just quietly do your work and people come and go. The professionals there are just that - very professional. It's nice to work in a place where the management have things in control in a pleasant and kind way.
Unpleasant things have come my way too. It seems that sometimes in life you really get hit over the head with who your 'real' and genuine friends are.
That's a pretty overwhelming confrontation.
So, I must say that at the moment it has been quite hurtful but also I realise that being away from an environment that creates such vibes is the best thing that can happen to me.
Resigning from S has now become one of the best ideas I ever had. At the time I had a lot of remorse about my decision. But as things have unfolded over the past month and a bit there has been a huge revelation of where I need to focus now.
At first I really missed the contact with customers and friends, and of course buying scrapbooking products as soon as they arrived in the shop. I longed for being able to go to crops and classes.
Now, I realise that there are so many more important things to direct my energy. I will love scrapbooking for myself and record my own life and that of my family for my family and me to enjoy.
But now I realise that neglecting my family and good friends to work and associate with people at S, was not worth it. I found that there was a huge degree of selfishness amongst some of the scrapbookers - it's all about ME! And I got into that kind of thinking too. Now that I am away from it, I realise how wrong that is for trying to balance my life.
My life was totally out of balance, and fortunately I am now finding it again.
So it's been another week of learning and awareness and generally realising that I am no longer at a cross-road. I have taken a new path and it will lead to better and happier things for me and my family.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Farewell to a sweet Friend

This morning I heard that a lovely young friend of mine has passed away. Kristie battled breast cancer two years ago. She was cleared of cancer and began to resume her young life, marrying Luke 18months ago. She has always been the sweetest and loveliest girl. Easy to talk with and always caring about someone else.

The past few weeks she has become ill with something very painful. She was back seeing her oncologist. The story most of us were told was that she had some broken ribs after a car accident.

Through Church we started helping them with a meal for their dinner each night. When it was my turn we chatted for about 1/2hr and she told me what she was experiencing, but now in hindsight, I can see how much she left out. Some of what she said, didn't make sense either and of course now I realise why.

Last Sunday I briefly saw her at Church and she looked so frail and so frightened. My heart went out to her. She was gone before I got to give her a hug.

During the week she was put in to hospital and she developed blood clots in the lungs. This morning she passed away.

A tragic end to a beautiful young life.

Now is the time to remember my faith and my beliefs. I know that she has gone to a place of peace and a place of rest. I know that she is now free from pain and that she has further things to accomplish in her journey.

For Luke, it is so different. Poor boy! My heart goes out to him as do my prayers.

So, to you Kristie - until we meet again!!

Friday, August 31, 2007

A Brand New Start

I am excited!!!! I have a new job!
I have been going for so many interviews which has been a great experience. A bit scary too!! I am actually amazed at how many places need staff and especially mature staff. I do come under that catergory.
The job that's been offered is at a Chiropractic Clinic at the front desk. Something I have wanted to do for a long time. Medical Receptionist. I was going to do a course at Frankston Hospital, but on the job training is much better.
So, today i work a couple of hours, next week about 15hrs and then it will increase.
I think I can cope with the more hours per week, because I don't have to worry about preparing classes or thinking about classes etc.
Although working in the Scrapbook industry has been an amazing experience. It has given me confidence dealing with people and lots of other skills. Now, I can really scrapbook just for myself and for gifts etc.
So, where the one door has closed there is definetly a new one opened. Again, I feel very blessed.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Lots of fun

What a great weekend. The weather has been really mild and encouraged lots of outdoor time. Saturday afternoon we spent with Andrea, Blake, Orson and Sahn coming over for a bike ride and a walk. It was so relaxing and fun to be with the kids and Andrea. Orson fell off his bike so many times, and I had to take a photo of his 'sore-sore' everytime he stopped. Sahnie isn't happy to sit in the pram and be pushed along. She has to walk and walk she did. We were out for over an hour and she walked the whole time.

Blake is very proud of himself because he can ride a two wheeler without training wheels. Except when he is going really slow and then he gets the wobbles.

We all had home made pizza for dinner and then Monty came over cuz he was sleeping the night so we thought we'd better have Blake sleep the night too. Now that's a challenge!!!

Some chemical reaction is set off when those two grandsons are together! They are sooooo naughty, and they know it!

It was with some relief when Sara picked up Monty this morning, and we had only Blakey to entertain.

We took him for a long walk to feed the ducks. He loved it. Chattering the whole way, asking lots of questions. He really loves some one on one time.

We went to Church together and he was the best behaved boy.

Tonight we dropped Blakey home and then went to Martin and Tambi's for dinner. Three more gorgeous grandchildren to spend time with. And they were all in the funniest moods, keeping us laughing all the time.

How blessed I am. I have such a wonderful and close family. Four great children and ten fantastic grandchildren.

Friday I went for a job interview. Yikes!!! Actually I wasn't nervous at all. That may be a bad sign! It would be nice to get the job, but if not, that's OK too.

I learned something over the past few days. There has been the biggest fuss made in the US about a very big disagreement between Stacey Julian and Heidi Swapp. Unfortunately, Stacey Julian made a big boo-boo by writing an email with some non nice comments, and mistakingly sending it to everyone in her address book. Which included a lot of people. So, it all blew up. the 2peas forum has quite a discussion on it. Everyone with their own judgments etc. So, I decided to go to Stacey's blog and check out a bit more.

She had written a big apology and expressed a lot of remorse at the situation she had created. I was really impressed with her humility. She then wrote about the fact that humility was something she had been trying to work on, and here she was in this horrible situation. And, for her all she could do was say what she was feeling. Regret and admitting her mistake.

I feel a lot like her too. I made some mistakes a few weeks ago, with emails. I regret them too. And I am trying really hard to make amends as much as I can. I can't be responsible for how other people respond to me. All I can do is be sincere. And try to do better.

So, this weekend I have had fun, and I have learned some good principles.

Can't get it much better than that!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Best News

Yesterday my little grandaughter Sahn had to go back to the ear specialist after having had surgery for grommets and having her adenoids out. Prior to this operation her hearing was less than 50%.

Now, she is within the normal range. How fantastic is that!!!! I am so excited for her. She has been so different since this operation. Much more confident and I believe that her speech will develop really fast now. She is such a sweet and cute and now very cheeky little one.

Here she is last easter - happy but not walking or talking. Now she runs! And now she can hear! What a blessing!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday, Monday

It's Monday!!! Colin has gone back to work!!! Yeah!!! We enjoyed a week together to just relax and not have any pressures - but it's nice to have a little time to myself now.
I have lots to do today. Phone calls, and appointments. I am excited.
When I woke up this morning I felt good, which is a wonderful feeling to have on a Monday!
Alison, thank you for your lovely comment. I will miss Scraptacular too. I don't think I miss actually working though!!! lol
I had a lovely weekend. Caught up with most of my family which I always love. Those little grandchildren help me realise what the priorities in life really are. And when I hear little Orson (3yrs) so excited that I have just knocked on the door and then later giving me a cuddle and telling me he loves me my heart just melts and I know what is important.
Went to Church at Cranbourne Ward yesterday, in their brand new Chapel. It is gorgeous. The style is called 'Legacy' which is what all Chapels around the world are now built in. Our Chapel didn't have any water due to massive renovations and extensions going on.
So it was a great opportunity to surprise Martin and his family and Andrea and her family by us coming to join in their meetings.
It's so nice that no matter where you go for Church meetings, it is exactly the same spirit, and lessons etc as when we are meeting in our own Chapel.
It was nice to catch up with some 'old' friends too.
Well, better get started with this busy Monday that I have planned.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Amazing Grace

Colin has had all of this week off, due to not really having any time after his Dad passed away. He was struggling at work last week, and the Doctor has given him this week off, to relax.
We have gone for long, long walks each day. And that's been good for both of us. The past month or two have been pretty bumpy and it's nice to slowly let go of it.
Today we went to see a great film- Amazing Grace about the abolition of slavery. What an inspirational movie that is. I had a few weepy moments as I saw the struggle and the lack of care that William Wilberforce endured year after year. Until eventually he did get the bill passed.
Just makes me think about the hic-cups in my life. I can choose to make them something I learn from and grow from, or something that will pull me down.
I tend to be an 'emotional thinker' at my worst times and that's not the time to make decisions and I've decided that is my 'challenge' to work on right now.
Had a lovely chat with former workmate Anita. She has all my belongings to return to me so we're getting together tomorrow.
It will be nice to have all my scrapbook albums at home for the first time ever.
And, now I'm tired to going to have dinner and relax.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

It was the best of times it was the worst of times.

This past couple of months have been so difficult for me.

I think it started when we had to put our dog of 15yrs down. She wasn't in the best health anymore but because she was such a beautiful and faithful friend we kept putting of this horrible decision.

Needless to say, once the decision was made the emotions were more than I expected.

Then Colins' dad (who has been more of a dad to me, than my own dad), had a bad fall in the nursing home and was taken to hospital.

Whilst there he developed pneumonia and other conditions that he didn't have before this fall. It must have been his body just not coping with the stress and trauma of the fall he had.

We visited him every day/night. Most nights not eating dinner untill well after 9pm. As well as keeping up both of our work commitments.

After 3 weeks in the hospital they told us there wasn't anything more they could do for him, so he was sent back to the nursing home for palliative care.

Three days back there, and we got a middle of the night call to say he had passed away. How sad! We hoped in the car and went to see him in his room, for the last time.

So began the horrible things you have to deal with. Funeral arrangements, cleaning out his belongings from the nursing home. We then heard that because of his fall there would be a coroners report required to determine cause of death. Which meant having to go into the coroners office to identify him. Then we heard that an autopsy would be required. This poor man was 91yrs of age and we felt very sad that his body was being violated that way. But realised it was necessary.

We had his funeral, without him being there. His body was not yet released. However, we knew he was with us in spirit. Especially his humor.

The next day we went back to the cemetery, just Colin and I and said are last goodbye.

He has been a very funny, special and devoted gramps to all of our family. And we are surely gonna miss him.

Then, Colin who is struggling big time with a very bad case of psoriasis wasn't coping too well going back to work. So, he now has this week off. Resting and relaxing, and getting some new treatment for his condition. Hopefully it will work. It is a very debillitating thing to have. Especially when it's practically over all of your body.

As for me.....well.......I didn't handle things too well for a while there. Meaning that I quit my job over an issue that just seemed to consume me and became very emotional for me. Even knowing that the business was being sold in only a few weeks.

Niavely I felt confident that the new owner would have me as part of her team, but that wasn't to be.

Everything was just horrible, and overwhelming and I spat the dummy. If I could go back and undo some things, but I can't.

So, now it's time to move on. I have some new plans/ideas for my future. I am just taking my time getting my head around things.

I havn't been able to scrapbook since all this has happened. I am pretty lost at the moment but maybe that's because Colin is home and we have been going for lots of walks, and just getting some rest here and there.

We do get some laughs around here too. Our two kittens, Balou and Bizkit are so funny and so sweet.

I am in the process of applying for my passport. Anytime, if my aunt in Holland passes away then my sisters and I have five days to get there for her funeral. Which is something she really wants us to do. I hadn't given it a lot of thought, thinking this was just some illusive idea. But considering she is 89yrs old one of my sisters prompted me to at least get a passport ready, because I wouldn't be able to get one in just 5days.

That's it for me. Gonna work on my 'plans'.

ps: just an aside - if anyone reads this, and was the recipient of any emails I sent when I spat the dummy I apologise. I was hurting big time although that's probably not an excuse.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Ok, I got it a little bit wrong

I got the name of the author of the Book of She a little bit wrong. Her name is Kobi Yamada. After checking Claire's blog I realised I had it totally wrong.
Anyhow now that I've cleared that up, I'm going to my scrapbook room to 'plan'. Layouts I need/want to do and in what order. ETC. ETC. ETc.

'Book of She'

I am just loving participating in the Book of She that Claire has organised on the Scraptacular website.

Anyone can join in. Each month there is a new quote which is what your page is based on. I love it.

It really makes me think about my journalling. It makes me dig a little deeper to achieve something more meaningful than 'life was OK'. It makes me confront a little more but in a creative way so that I can bring happiness to the page as well.

The quotes are great and can from the Book of She by Kyobi (can't remember her last name!), but it really is all about being a woman. And what that means to each of us is different and can be expressed in our journalling.

However, I think I need some new photos of 'me' cuz I can't keep using the same ones.

Had a busy week preparing a lot of 'stuff' for Church. I made cards to cover lots of different situations and helped make assignments for two of our members who had been in hospital. So they could get some meals when first at home. And did some shopping to buy fun stuff for a soon to be new mum, and little gifts for 'just because we care' type of thing. Nice to spend someone else's money!!

So, although I had 3 consecutive days off work. I was pretty busy.

I was pretty chuffed with the cards I made and decided to take some photos and upload them to the gallery at Scraptacular, but my camera has decided to not recognise the USB connection. Just out of the blue! So, now I have to take it back, and they have to send it away, and I might be without it for a few weeks. Darn! Or, as one of my grandsons said at age 2, "Crap Guy!"

I really need it back because on the 24th of this month it's McKenzies 2nd birthday and I can't not be taking any photos.

Had a lovely sleep in today. I woke up at 10am. Pretty neat really! I guess I 'needed' a good sleep!

I've been having a lot of fun making collages of photos on Picasa2. It's a photo editing software that you can download for free. It's run by Google. And it's great for those times when you take 189 photos of one day, and you want to scrapbook them all!!!! You can make a collage of 8 or 12 or 24 - whatever you want and then print it off. Then you get that many photos on one page!!! There are also some great colour effects options too.

If I just would get off this puter then I might have some time to scrapbook!!!!!!!

But - I've gotta finish our Family Puffing Billy Day first. It's going to end up being a whole album. If only I had discovered Picasa before getting so many photos printed.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

It's Been So Long

I can't believe that it has been months since I last wrote on my blog. What have I been doing with my time???
Well, I don't really know. It must be the Puffing Billy Album I am still working on. I have never made a Scrapbooking Album all about a one day event. However, our family trip on Puffing Billy was so much fun, and as everyone does these days, I took 200 photos that tell the story of the entire day.
So, with my papers and photos under my arm all I have been doing in the way of scrapbooking is this album. And I never thought I would say it, but I am tired of Urban Couture!!! Yep, that's what I have been doing the album in cuz the colours go so well with the train. But after months of working on this album we have only just gotten off the train!!!!! And that's not the return journey, it's on the way to Lakeside.
I am having fun with it though.
But, now I want to play with the gorgeous new Basic Grey that's arrived. I think it's their best ever!!!!! I'm in love - again!
Personaly, I am enjoying not working as much. Although, I can be found hanging around the shop attending a class or two or having fun joining in the crop days. Well, where else would I be??
I am tired of summer. I am tired of feeling tired, and hot and sweaty. I can't wait for the crisp days of winter to arrive. I am tempted to move to Chicago. I saw their temperature overnight was -20F. Perhaps a little too cold!!! How could you live there??
I have been spending nearly every weekend babysitting. I say 'I', because Colin doesn't do much apart from drive the car to and fro. I have to bath and feed and generally take care of little people. Whilst he sits there getting dramatic if one of them falls or hurts themselves.
After family dinner tonight, we went for a walk and I said to him, 'I am over little people for a while!'. Just need some relaxing quieter time for a week or two.
I wonder if that will happen!!???
So, this week I am planning to scrapbook and make cards. I have some cards to make for Church, so that I have a little 'stash' on hand. I want to make some for myself. And I need to organise them better than I do. And I want to finish puffing billy and start on something new with some new papers. Brighter ones!!
So, that's it for now.