Another rare event! An update on my blog! Hi Lyn. Thanks for reading my blog and for your good wishes to our friend Talian. Unfortunately the news for her hasn't been great. Her surgery only removed part of the tumor and she has to have chemo when she is strong enough to cope with it. The worst part is that she has been given up to 5yrs to survive this kind of tumor. It isn't good news. She has a beautiful new baby son and a gorgeous little daughter so it's very sad. She is now having rehab to make her body strong enough for chemo and that is just going to drain her body right back down again. Such an awful time for them all.
Well, last night was our Team Scraptacular Christmas Break-up. We had a yummy dinner at Doyle's in Mordialloc and then went back to Jodie (Boss!)'s home where we exchanged Kris Kringle gifts, laughed a lot, took photos, played with cameras, scrapbooked (well I made some Christmas cards) and watched the movie Scrapped.
I went to bed at 2:30. It probably took me an hour to get to sleep and then awake again at 8:30am to face a busy but happy day.
For my Kris Kringle present - Robbie gave me a beautiful decorative metal stand with a glass lamp shade and gorgeous candles to burn inside.
Jodie gave us all a 'big bag' of bits and pieces. Scrapping stuff (all mauves and light aqua!!), chocolates, cute things from smiggles and other unique stationary places. Some personal stuff like bath salts. It was a real treasure bag!!!
And Kimmie gave us all a necklace with tiny coloured christmas bells so we all jingled along for the rest of the night.
I had fun taking photos of all Jodie's christmas decorations. And I can tell you she has a lot of christmas decorations. Thought the photos might come in handy for my next Hard & Fast class which is a Christmas theme.
Tonight we had family dinner at Dan & Carolinas. Boy the kids were all ratty and Grandpa (also known as Colin) was a grump as well. We're going to have a break until Christmas day now before we all get together again.
Now for some exciting news!!!!! Drum roll please!........................Safeway have dogfood on special this week.!!!!! IGA had it a few weeks ago so my stash is really quite healthy.
Time to do a page on this important part of my life.
I have sooo many Christmas projects on the go. I hope I can complete them all in time for Christmas. Fortunately I have a few days off this week. Tomorrow I hope to complete my Secret Santa gift. Then I can get on to the gifts I need ready for Christmas day. And before that I need to finish the Christmas cards I have started. I havn't made christmas cards for a few years now. I remember why I stopped now that I'm in the middle of making them!!
Time to go to the blanket show.