I didn't have to work today but seeing as how I was in the area I decided to pop in to Safeway and just buy a few more cans of .... wait for it....Dog Food. What else?? There I was quietly waiting at the checkout and I got sprung by boss Jodie. What are you doing here? She asked me. Could I tell her?? Actually I didn't have to tell her. She saw quite clearly what I was doing there. The cans of dog food gave me away!
So, that prompted the discussions of having to do a layout all about my obsession with buying dog food only when it's on special. And, from what I hear I am not the only one!!! That's good to know!
Claire, thank you for your lovely words of encouragement in regards to blogging. I will have to take the suggestions on board and go for it.
I also can't wait to get my scrapper exchange layout from Claire. She has done the most amazing work for everyone.
So, I got to try out my new camera. Of all days to have a school trip planned for the Zoo it happened to be Thursday. The only day we have had some descent rain in Victoria. I went with Sara and Monty's Prep class. And it poured and poured and we all got absolutely soaked. Which we didn't mind. The kids loved the puddles. Some of them couldn't remember what a puddle looked like.
It wasn't until after lunch that I finally got to take my camera out. Because, of course I wasn't going to take it out in the rain. I got some great photos. And after rushing to the shop to have them developed the same day I was very happy with the results.
Now, tomorrow I can have the best opportunity with all of my family going on Puffing Billy!
I can't wait.
Lots more scrapping to do.
I had a wonderful opportunity (a free one!) for a facial and a 1hr full body massage today. It was absolutely marvellous. I thought I was in heaven. So, now I feel a new me!
Just got to shake off those kg's and then I will look like a new me!
Well, now I need my beauty sleep just in case I can get into a photo or two tomorrow.
Gonna try and put a photo of the Zoo in my blog. I havn't had too much luck with getting pictures uploaded but will have another try.