What a day today! Do I keep starting all my blogs with the same thing? I am going to have to be more creative in my writing. Better get my Tracy White book out again.
I went back to the Doctor this morning after having been told he needed to see me for my chest xray results.
Happy news!! My lungs are clear! However........the xray showed I 'may' have signs of osteoporosis in my spine. Great!!!! I am going to become a bent over old lady any day now! So now I have to have a bone density test. Now all you 'young Mavis' read carefully. On this blog you will gradually become very informed about the 'natural or otherwise' ageing process. You will become familiar with all the tests and medical sagas that will unfold in my life and this information will prepare you for when you get to be my age. Arn't you all lucky to have this information first hand?
Had fun at stocktaking last night. At Scraptacular we closed the doors to all public at 4pm yesterday and we all started counting. Now we were all doing pretty good until Sarah came out with some outrageous remark and we all lost our count didn't we? Sarah is a lot of fun to work with. I love your sense of humour kiddo. Of course Tamay was chanting quite a bit. I think he may have been counting aloud in turkish. Not really sure what it was.
Can you believe we counted everything in the shop in one day. Including the back storage room. It is quite remarkable when you start counting as to how much is actually there. Phew! I'm glad I havn't paid the bills!
Today we had a family dinner at Andrea's. It was very hectic and rather exhausting. The kids....all 10 of them (one extra) were all crazy. It was fun though. It was in honor of Joshua who just turned 5, and Riley who turns 3 in a couple of weeks. But because they are expecting a new baby brother in a few weeks both birthdays were combined.
Well, time to go to bed.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
Especially for Sharon

It's Friday evening. We are waiting for Andrea to call so Colin can go and buy some F&C for dinner. She is on her way back from Werribee after picking up Blakey who has been visiting with his Dad.
I have been sooooo tired today!!! Colin has had the day off. We had lots of plans (way too many!!) of things to do. We managed to go to DFO and then to Parkmore. Home for lunch and I had a 2hr sleep. So I feel much betterer now! Just finished the ironing which has been sitting looking at me for a few days.
I havn't been back at work yet. Yesterday I did do some classes layouts. I finished H&F and also Large & In Charge. Maybe that's why I am so tired today.
And...I did stay up and watch 24! But...I did not get up and watch the Socceroos. I did however get a text message from Tambi at 7:30 this morning with...'Go Aussie'. I think she might have been watching the game!!
Today I called the Medical Centre for my chest xrays results expecting to be told everything is clear however I was told that Dr.Burke needs me to make an appointment to see him. What the!!!! I can't see him till Sunday morning so now I am wondering what the dickens is going on.
Now, to the most important part of this post. My friend Sharon!
This remarkable young woman has touched us all! Her enthusiasm and her courage in the rather unknown world of scrapbooking is just amazing. She is not afraid to copy anything!!! Whatever she sees she has the courage to just take it off the original creator and duplicate it. She gets so enthusiastic with her accomplishments (as do we) and is actually considering establishing a company. The name of this company will be THE Copy Team. Of course Sharon will be the director, accountant and CEO of this company. In fact she will probably put it on the open market within a short time due to its already well known success.
Sharon I honor you and wish I could be just like you. Copying layout after layout!!! Could I please put my name on the waiting list as a member of your company???? Oh, I nearly forgot there is something else which Sharon does extremelly well. She is unashamedly seeking notoriety and fame so if anyone else wants to introduce her anywhere at all she will love it.
Enjoy the photo of the 'stupid Mavis' at Sharons house!! We always have a blast together!!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
"Uhmmmmmm. Interesting!!
Time gets away from me when I havn't posted a new blog for a while. I can't remember much of anything exciting. Oh yeah!! I did manage to buy 30cans of dogfood at IGA on Saturday. Enough for a whole month and that way when it's on special again in a few weeks I can top up again. I know that you are 'all' very interested in this.
I had fun being the boss for Sensational Saturday. I enjoy being with all the girls and having a laugh.
However, as per usual for me at the moment I got sick again. I could feel that some bug was trying to worm it's way into my system and without much resistance it has taken over, again. I can't talk without massive coughing fits. And if I can talk my voice sounds like a mans. That's great!!
So the doctor is sending me for a chest x-ray tomorrow. As if that isn't bad enough I also have to have a mammogram at the same place. Ouch!! I have antibiotics again, and some days off work to stay where it's warm and cozy. I just feel very tired all the time and need to re-build my reserves a bit.
Apart from all those woes and 'poor me' things I have spent some time with some of the 'little people'. Andrea and Orson & Sahn on Friday. We went to browse around the shopping centre and I spent way too much. Sunday Colin and I met up with some friends that we used to associate with but havn't seen for about 25yrs. We had lunch at their home and it was great fun. Seemed like we only lost touch a year ago.
Monday I cooked an extra meal and took it over for Daniel and Carolina. They had a rough weekend with Joshua being taken to hospital in an ambulance in the middle of the night. He gets croup very badly and his breathing was sooo bad Daniel rang an ambulance and they had to give him adrenaline and rushed him to the hospital for some more drugs etc. He was fine by the morning thank goodness. Riley isn't well either so poor Carolina was wasted. A meal helped a bit.
Today I had Lamont to look after and we met Andrea and the kids and Tambi and the kids at Karingal movies and saw Over The Hedge. It was such a funny movie. I asked Monty what he thought of it and he said: "Uhm.....interesting!" What a funny boy!! But because i'm not feeling well we came straight back home and Monty and I played UNO. He beat me 3 times and he's only 5yrs old! Does that mean he is a fantastic player? Or does it mean I am a rotten player? Maybe a bit of both.
I have scrapped a little bit over the past day or two. Nearly finished Large and In Charge for a class and have done a couple of single layouts for Hard&Fast. I just find it difficult to get some time to prepare these classes. I can't seem to stay up late like I used to because I get sick straight away. It's a bit of a nuisance really. Maybe I'm just getting older!!
Well, that's it. I am going to watch Medical Emergency and then All Saints and then.......The Blanket Show! Never heard of it? It means to go to bed! Goodnight!
I had fun being the boss for Sensational Saturday. I enjoy being with all the girls and having a laugh.
However, as per usual for me at the moment I got sick again. I could feel that some bug was trying to worm it's way into my system and without much resistance it has taken over, again. I can't talk without massive coughing fits. And if I can talk my voice sounds like a mans. That's great!!
So the doctor is sending me for a chest x-ray tomorrow. As if that isn't bad enough I also have to have a mammogram at the same place. Ouch!! I have antibiotics again, and some days off work to stay where it's warm and cozy. I just feel very tired all the time and need to re-build my reserves a bit.
Apart from all those woes and 'poor me' things I have spent some time with some of the 'little people'. Andrea and Orson & Sahn on Friday. We went to browse around the shopping centre and I spent way too much. Sunday Colin and I met up with some friends that we used to associate with but havn't seen for about 25yrs. We had lunch at their home and it was great fun. Seemed like we only lost touch a year ago.
Monday I cooked an extra meal and took it over for Daniel and Carolina. They had a rough weekend with Joshua being taken to hospital in an ambulance in the middle of the night. He gets croup very badly and his breathing was sooo bad Daniel rang an ambulance and they had to give him adrenaline and rushed him to the hospital for some more drugs etc. He was fine by the morning thank goodness. Riley isn't well either so poor Carolina was wasted. A meal helped a bit.
Today I had Lamont to look after and we met Andrea and the kids and Tambi and the kids at Karingal movies and saw Over The Hedge. It was such a funny movie. I asked Monty what he thought of it and he said: "Uhm.....interesting!" What a funny boy!! But because i'm not feeling well we came straight back home and Monty and I played UNO. He beat me 3 times and he's only 5yrs old! Does that mean he is a fantastic player? Or does it mean I am a rotten player? Maybe a bit of both.
I have scrapped a little bit over the past day or two. Nearly finished Large and In Charge for a class and have done a couple of single layouts for Hard&Fast. I just find it difficult to get some time to prepare these classes. I can't seem to stay up late like I used to because I get sick straight away. It's a bit of a nuisance really. Maybe I'm just getting older!!
Well, that's it. I am going to watch Medical Emergency and then All Saints and then.......The Blanket Show! Never heard of it? It means to go to bed! Goodnight!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
So Excited
I am so excited this morning. Tuesday 13th June is a good day. Firstly IGA have 'dog food' on special. Again!! I can go and buy a whole months supply this morning. Whoopeee!!! I know, it's pretty lame. But if I can save some money I can get pretty excited.
And then, of course Colin had to watch the Soccer last night. And I kept on sleeping but I could just hear (in between snoring) what was happening and I thought we were gone, and then it all happened. Three goals in the last 8 minutes!! I didn't think I cared about soccer!!! But gee it was exciting!!! I had to use my lovely lavendar spray to help me get back to sleep. Actually it was more to disguise the sweaty smell from Colin. He thought he had been playing soccer with the Aussies - and he stank! So needless to say all the bedding is churning around in the washing machine right now.
Then the other exciting thing is that I am not pregnant or in labour. This might be an odd thing to say, but 28yrs ago I was. It's Martins birthday today! It seems a strange thing to actually take in that it was 28yrs ago. It seems like about 6yrs. And sometimes he behaves as if he is 6! Only kidding!
Then also today is Scraptaculars 4th birthday! That's an achievement for Jodie and one she really needs congratulating on. Cuz Scraptacular is a fantastic place to come to, to work at and to meet new friends.
After all that what else have I done? Last night we had dinner with Martin,Tambi, Isaac, India and McKenzie at ???? I can't remember the name but it starts with an M and is just around the corner on Springvale Road. The food was yummy and it was lovely sharing some time with the 'junior Blyths'. I guess that makes us the 'senior blyths'. Poor India wasn't very well. She was cold all the time and started shaking. Once she had a blanket wrapped around her she fell asleep. Poor darling!
Sunday night we had our family pot-luck dinner at Martin and Tambi's. Everyone made such yummy food. There is always too much. But that's good because there is always someone who needs a bit of help with a meal for the next day. Carolina being 8months pregnant is the recipient at the moment.
We took Riley and Joshua in our car from Big Gramps' (colins Dad) and Joshua asked me if their baby is going to be in the blue team or the green team. It took a while to work that out but he meant what colour eyes is their baby going to have. Blue or Green? Riley pipes up and says: "I'm in the blue team!" He does have blue eyes. And Joshua: "I'm in the green team". Gee they are funny with the things the little ones say.
Saturday I spent running around shopping and doing bits and pieces! Then home to make a cake and a casserolle for Sunday.
It's nice to feel reasonably well again. I still feel a bit washed out and tired but I am doing really good. Which is great.
Today I am going in to work. Not to work, but to play!! Jodie is doing a class (impromptu) using the new Collections tiles. And it is Scraptacs birthday to celebrate and it is also a crop. So a happy day it will be. Although I do need to come home and finish my little Handmade Book number 7 for a class.
That's it!
Except I have another Monty-ism. He was in the car with Mum (Sara) and they were driving somewhere where he wasn't familiar with the area and he said:"This is like driving in mayonaise!" What? After a bit Sara figured out he meant ' a maze'.
Then when it got foggy he said said:"It's very froggy out there Mummy, can you see OK?"
I love it!!!!
And then, of course Colin had to watch the Soccer last night. And I kept on sleeping but I could just hear (in between snoring) what was happening and I thought we were gone, and then it all happened. Three goals in the last 8 minutes!! I didn't think I cared about soccer!!! But gee it was exciting!!! I had to use my lovely lavendar spray to help me get back to sleep. Actually it was more to disguise the sweaty smell from Colin. He thought he had been playing soccer with the Aussies - and he stank! So needless to say all the bedding is churning around in the washing machine right now.
Then the other exciting thing is that I am not pregnant or in labour. This might be an odd thing to say, but 28yrs ago I was. It's Martins birthday today! It seems a strange thing to actually take in that it was 28yrs ago. It seems like about 6yrs. And sometimes he behaves as if he is 6! Only kidding!
Then also today is Scraptaculars 4th birthday! That's an achievement for Jodie and one she really needs congratulating on. Cuz Scraptacular is a fantastic place to come to, to work at and to meet new friends.
After all that what else have I done? Last night we had dinner with Martin,Tambi, Isaac, India and McKenzie at ???? I can't remember the name but it starts with an M and is just around the corner on Springvale Road. The food was yummy and it was lovely sharing some time with the 'junior Blyths'. I guess that makes us the 'senior blyths'. Poor India wasn't very well. She was cold all the time and started shaking. Once she had a blanket wrapped around her she fell asleep. Poor darling!
Sunday night we had our family pot-luck dinner at Martin and Tambi's. Everyone made such yummy food. There is always too much. But that's good because there is always someone who needs a bit of help with a meal for the next day. Carolina being 8months pregnant is the recipient at the moment.
We took Riley and Joshua in our car from Big Gramps' (colins Dad) and Joshua asked me if their baby is going to be in the blue team or the green team. It took a while to work that out but he meant what colour eyes is their baby going to have. Blue or Green? Riley pipes up and says: "I'm in the blue team!" He does have blue eyes. And Joshua: "I'm in the green team". Gee they are funny with the things the little ones say.
Saturday I spent running around shopping and doing bits and pieces! Then home to make a cake and a casserolle for Sunday.
It's nice to feel reasonably well again. I still feel a bit washed out and tired but I am doing really good. Which is great.
Today I am going in to work. Not to work, but to play!! Jodie is doing a class (impromptu) using the new Collections tiles. And it is Scraptacs birthday to celebrate and it is also a crop. So a happy day it will be. Although I do need to come home and finish my little Handmade Book number 7 for a class.
That's it!
Except I have another Monty-ism. He was in the car with Mum (Sara) and they were driving somewhere where he wasn't familiar with the area and he said:"This is like driving in mayonaise!" What? After a bit Sara figured out he meant ' a maze'.
Then when it got foggy he said said:"It's very froggy out there Mummy, can you see OK?"
I love it!!!!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Where has it gone?
Wednesday evening. Where has the time gone. I think I have spent the last few days in a blurr. Not feeling great yet, and I think the anti-biotics are also making me feel pretty yuck. I still don't have too much energy. However I have managed to get a few layouts done to complete the revampt of Funky Five classes. So, now I can devote my time to my 'one of' type of classes again.
Spoke with Jodie on the phone for quite a while last night. It was nice having a chat with you (if you read this!!) And believe it or not, I am quite happy to not have to work a 12hr day tomorrow because my roster has changed a bit. I don't think 12hrs when first back at work and not being sure if I am well or not is going to be any great help at the moment.
I called into the shop briefly today. I just love the new Lil Davis chipboard collection. Have put aside one of everything, of course!!! I just love it!
Apart from a bit of shopping and a bit of scrapping and a bit of TV I havn't done much in the last couple of days so not really worth writing too much.
Oh yeah, I will have to take some photos of my 'new ribbon' storage. It isn't my idea but it is fantastic.
That will keep you in suspense!!!
And...... guess what?? Coles had dog food on special this week! Our dog is eating better than we are.
Although, I must say this. I did cook yesterday. I made a vegetable egg and potato casserolle that has white sauce in it as well. It is yummy! So I don't feel that I have been too neglectful. We had been living off tinned soup and toast for a few nights.
That's it! I am going to try and make a present for my son for his birthday.
Spoke with Jodie on the phone for quite a while last night. It was nice having a chat with you (if you read this!!) And believe it or not, I am quite happy to not have to work a 12hr day tomorrow because my roster has changed a bit. I don't think 12hrs when first back at work and not being sure if I am well or not is going to be any great help at the moment.
I called into the shop briefly today. I just love the new Lil Davis chipboard collection. Have put aside one of everything, of course!!! I just love it!
Apart from a bit of shopping and a bit of scrapping and a bit of TV I havn't done much in the last couple of days so not really worth writing too much.
Oh yeah, I will have to take some photos of my 'new ribbon' storage. It isn't my idea but it is fantastic.
That will keep you in suspense!!!
And...... guess what?? Coles had dog food on special this week! Our dog is eating better than we are.
Although, I must say this. I did cook yesterday. I made a vegetable egg and potato casserolle that has white sauce in it as well. It is yummy! So I don't feel that I have been too neglectful. We had been living off tinned soup and toast for a few nights.
That's it! I am going to try and make a present for my son for his birthday.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
The Health Issues
I knew I was going to be 'in for it'. Went to the Doctor yesterday and the first thing he said to me was, 'you're overdoing things again!'. He confirmed the sinus infection but I also have conjunctivitis. I havn't been around anyone with that as far as I know. Maybe it's related to the sinus infection. So, I'm on antibiotic tablets and drops. So far, nothing has changed. I still feel yuck and my eyes are still sticky. Let's hope that from today I start to feel some improvement.
Can't even scrapbook because my eyes just run. I have had a 'big' lecture from Carolina (dl) who gets very concerned about me when I am sick because it reminds her of her Mum. She said I look like her Mum used to when she was overdoing things. Tired all the time. Especially in my eyes. Andrea said pretty much the same things.
So, I have to do some re-evaluating things in my life, again. This will be a bit of a process because there are (like anyone else) so many aspects to look at and work out what to do differently.
I'll leave that for another time - when I can think!!
Well, the eyes are no longer coping with looking at a computer screen and seeing as I havn't done anything apart from spitting into tissues and coughing and blowing my nose and dealing with blood noses - I may as well sign off for today.
Can't even scrapbook because my eyes just run. I have had a 'big' lecture from Carolina (dl) who gets very concerned about me when I am sick because it reminds her of her Mum. She said I look like her Mum used to when she was overdoing things. Tired all the time. Especially in my eyes. Andrea said pretty much the same things.
So, I have to do some re-evaluating things in my life, again. This will be a bit of a process because there are (like anyone else) so many aspects to look at and work out what to do differently.
I'll leave that for another time - when I can think!!
Well, the eyes are no longer coping with looking at a computer screen and seeing as I havn't done anything apart from spitting into tissues and coughing and blowing my nose and dealing with blood noses - I may as well sign off for today.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Well it was bound to happen! I have worked a lot in the past couple of weeks and on top of that babysitting and on top of that wanting to scrapbook when I do have so spare time - now I'm sick.
I know I have a sinus infection cuz the stuff coming out of my nose is well....(I guess I don't have to go into details!) And I am coughing quite a bit and my voice sounds like a man. I am just a bit nervous about the cough because I don't want to be hospitalized with pneumonia again like last year.
So, if I am not better tomorrow I have the day off and will go and see Dr.Nick.
Well, the CRICUIT made a visit to Scraptacular yesterday. It is amazing!! Like a printer but it has a small blade in it and you put in a cartridge and a keypad that matches the cartridge and you choose whatever you want to spell it also has a lot of preprogrammed cute things and lots of flowers. Everything can be cut into heaps of different sizes and you can also do shadows and silhouttes for each thing you cut out. Fantastic machine. Not cheap though. Will be saving up each month so it won't bite too hard.
I I have to do a 12hr day today. Don't know if I can do it all. I can always come home and have a sleep during the day and go back to teach my class tonight. Bummer getting sick. It happens everytime I push myself a bit.
Oh well too late to worry about it now.
I know I have a sinus infection cuz the stuff coming out of my nose is well....(I guess I don't have to go into details!) And I am coughing quite a bit and my voice sounds like a man. I am just a bit nervous about the cough because I don't want to be hospitalized with pneumonia again like last year.
So, if I am not better tomorrow I have the day off and will go and see Dr.Nick.
Well, the CRICUIT made a visit to Scraptacular yesterday. It is amazing!! Like a printer but it has a small blade in it and you put in a cartridge and a keypad that matches the cartridge and you choose whatever you want to spell it also has a lot of preprogrammed cute things and lots of flowers. Everything can be cut into heaps of different sizes and you can also do shadows and silhouttes for each thing you cut out. Fantastic machine. Not cheap though. Will be saving up each month so it won't bite too hard.
I I have to do a 12hr day today. Don't know if I can do it all. I can always come home and have a sleep during the day and go back to teach my class tonight. Bummer getting sick. It happens everytime I push myself a bit.
Oh well too late to worry about it now.
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