It's wednesday morning and I really could be sleeping in and lounging around. But not me! I am going to scrap at the shop for a while. Have a lot of Kerrie O's album to copy!!! I am a fledgling member of the 'copy team' and having a ball.
Robyn from Printblocks is coming in demonstrate the new die cutting machine that is all the rage. It's called a cricuit (I think that's how you spell it) . Jodie has had a little play with it at Printblocks last week and is raving about it. She said we will all want one and need to start saving now because it will come to our shores in December roughly.
I probably shouldn't be going to scrap because I have a cold. Raspy voice, runny nose and sore eyes. But I can't give up the opportunity!
I have worked a few extra shifts in the past week because Sarah has been unwell but I need the $'s to pay my CC so I am not complaining.
Guess what? Dog food is on special at Safeway. So each day I have been buying about 5 tins (I can't carry any more than that!) I am sooooo excited!
We had a lovely order from Printblocks come in to the shop. New Karen Foster papers that are devine. All the Autumn Leaves, Mod and Foofala papers and some embellishments. Some new Making Memories 'stuff'. Some more Rhonna Farrer clear stamps. You won't have to buy Basic Grey rubons with swirls anymore if you invest in one or two or three of these. The clear blocks are coming this week as well. My poor CC.
Well, I had better get ready for my day at Scraptac.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Too Much to do & Not Enough Sleep
Hi Ange - thanks for your comment on my blog! Be good to see you again it has been ages!!
In the last 8 days I have worked 4 nights and babysat 2. I have forgotten what it is like to hae a relaxing evening at home.'
Mind you I am not complaining because I love working and if it means a few hours at night well that's OK. Just gets a bit hard to get up in the morning!
Colin has been good about it which really helps heaps. I hate it when I need to do things and he does the 'silent' thing. But that has been ages since it's happened. I think he might be growing up at last.
When I have had a spare moment I have been rushing around from one Spotlight to another getting my ribbon organisation stuff.
For those who don't know, we got the idea from someone else who got the idea from someone else but what it is is the following:. DMC make plastic sticks to wind embroidery threads on to and then they also make plastic sleeves with pockets in them that the sticks slide in to. Then they can be put into a binder.
Well, I didn't realise I had so much ribbon, did I?. I have had to go back for more supplies 4 times. I think I am just about there. But now I'm thinking that the embroidery threads I have could be part of my ribbon organisation too.
It does look fantastic and you see each ribbon individually at a glance. I love it.
Ribbons were the one thing that have bugged many of us scrappers as to the best way of organising them. I think this is it! Thanks to the whoevers who thought of it originally!
Well, I am off to work to teach a 5 hour class.
Then tonight I need to cook because tomorrow we have the whole blyth bunch arriving for a pot luck dinner. I am making beef nachos and will probably buy something for dessert.
Will write again soon (I hope). I thought I was fanatical with chasing down cheap dog food - now I'm becoming a pro at ribbon sticks and sleeves.
Mind you, at the moment, Sandown only has sticks. Moorabbin has nothing at all and Frankston only have sleeves.
Just in case you're interested in the hunt.
Bye for now.
In the last 8 days I have worked 4 nights and babysat 2. I have forgotten what it is like to hae a relaxing evening at home.'
Mind you I am not complaining because I love working and if it means a few hours at night well that's OK. Just gets a bit hard to get up in the morning!
Colin has been good about it which really helps heaps. I hate it when I need to do things and he does the 'silent' thing. But that has been ages since it's happened. I think he might be growing up at last.
When I have had a spare moment I have been rushing around from one Spotlight to another getting my ribbon organisation stuff.
For those who don't know, we got the idea from someone else who got the idea from someone else but what it is is the following:. DMC make plastic sticks to wind embroidery threads on to and then they also make plastic sleeves with pockets in them that the sticks slide in to. Then they can be put into a binder.
Well, I didn't realise I had so much ribbon, did I?. I have had to go back for more supplies 4 times. I think I am just about there. But now I'm thinking that the embroidery threads I have could be part of my ribbon organisation too.
It does look fantastic and you see each ribbon individually at a glance. I love it.
Ribbons were the one thing that have bugged many of us scrappers as to the best way of organising them. I think this is it! Thanks to the whoevers who thought of it originally!
Well, I am off to work to teach a 5 hour class.
Then tonight I need to cook because tomorrow we have the whole blyth bunch arriving for a pot luck dinner. I am making beef nachos and will probably buy something for dessert.
Will write again soon (I hope). I thought I was fanatical with chasing down cheap dog food - now I'm becoming a pro at ribbon sticks and sleeves.
Mind you, at the moment, Sandown only has sticks. Moorabbin has nothing at all and Frankston only have sleeves.
Just in case you're interested in the hunt.
Bye for now.
Monday, May 22, 2006
The Best Layed Plans
I had a very busy but great weekend. Friday night was babysitting for Daniel & Carolina so they could finally go out for her birthday. Joshua and Riley were so good for me and were no trouble at all. Colin came around for a bite to eat but he didn't stay thank goodness! As soon as he is in the picture it's like having the naughtiest child on the block turn up. He needs/wants all the attention from me and is impatient with the littlies. Some 'men' never grow up!
I worked all day at Scraptac. It was Sensational Saturday and I worked the 12hrs. I had a great time with all my friends there. I was pretty wasted when the day came to a close but it's fun to do now and again. (Next month being the next time!).
Sunday - up early and off to Church. Sara dropped Monty at Church and he wore his suit that his Dad had bought him for the wedding in Queensland last week. He looked so smart and cool! And of course that always means Nursery as well. With 8 little people in there today. It seemed like there were 38! They were all ratty and noisy and grumpy.
So in the arvo I had a very well deserved Nanna nap whilst Colin went to visit his Dad.
Finished off some layouts and got to bed about 12:30am (so much for the benefits of a nanna nap).
Today I have plans. No work so I get to do some chores and some fun stuff. Taking some cash to Gramps so he can buy more huge blocks of chocolate and cans of drinks that he keeps giving away.
Then I might go and watch Tambi's netball game (must take the camera!).
I have to teach a class tonight so I may go early to the shop and do a bit of 'copying of layouts' just to get some of my millions of photos in an album.
I wonder if this will all actually happen!!!!
Hmmmmm! Will have to get back on that one
I worked all day at Scraptac. It was Sensational Saturday and I worked the 12hrs. I had a great time with all my friends there. I was pretty wasted when the day came to a close but it's fun to do now and again. (Next month being the next time!).
Sunday - up early and off to Church. Sara dropped Monty at Church and he wore his suit that his Dad had bought him for the wedding in Queensland last week. He looked so smart and cool! And of course that always means Nursery as well. With 8 little people in there today. It seemed like there were 38! They were all ratty and noisy and grumpy.
So in the arvo I had a very well deserved Nanna nap whilst Colin went to visit his Dad.
Finished off some layouts and got to bed about 12:30am (so much for the benefits of a nanna nap).
Today I have plans. No work so I get to do some chores and some fun stuff. Taking some cash to Gramps so he can buy more huge blocks of chocolate and cans of drinks that he keeps giving away.
Then I might go and watch Tambi's netball game (must take the camera!).
I have to teach a class tonight so I may go early to the shop and do a bit of 'copying of layouts' just to get some of my millions of photos in an album.
I wonder if this will all actually happen!!!!
Hmmmmm! Will have to get back on that one
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
I started the day of badly! I got up a bit sluggishly and a bit later because I didn't have to work today. However I did plan to attend a class at Scraptac. just for fun. I needed my handbag for something and I couldn't find it anywhere. I searched high and low and no sign of it. I then realised that I must have left it in Gramps' room at RSL Park in Frankston, last night. Darn!!! So I flew into the shower got dressed and drove all the way there. He was sitting on his bed still in his pj's and as soon as he saw it was me he lifted up my bag and told me he had been taking good care of it. What a sweet man! He was very proud of himself too!
So then I had to rush back and get my stuff for the class ready and head on off to Mentone. I could only do half of the class because I needed to leave early so I could pick up Joshua from kinder.
He was so excited to see me. "Nan!" (that's what he calls me!) "Nanna!" You have come to take me home?" "Can I watch a movie?" "I had my feelings hurt today, Nan!" All this before we got out the door. Mind you he was so happy to see me he left his bag and coat behind so I had to gently persuade him he had better get those as well.
Carolina had a midwife's clinic at Monash for a checkup so we met her at Maccas (oops! I know I shouldn't be there) and I shouted lunch.
Riley was so upset when he had to go in their own car and home for a sleep. He was crying and saying;" I want to sleep in your bed Nan, I don't want to go to my bed!" Poor little treasure.
I got some work done today. A replacement layout for transparency class and finished this mornings two layouts. Now I need to do two other replacement layouts for transparencies and I will be getting on top of things a bit.
Nothing else major has happened. Oops! that's not right!
A few weeks ago I had sent off a bundle of layouts to Express Publications. They came back today and they have accepted 1xsingle layout and 3xdouble layouts for publications.
I had had a senior moment when I sent the layouts because I was meant to stick some photos on one of them before sending it. So I had to leave a message with Kris Yealand to explain what I had done. She wrote on a letter from them that she really likes the layout but with photos it would look a lot better :)! And could I please send it back to them when it has the photos on it.
So that was exciting news.
I'm going to watch the news on TV now!
So then I had to rush back and get my stuff for the class ready and head on off to Mentone. I could only do half of the class because I needed to leave early so I could pick up Joshua from kinder.
He was so excited to see me. "Nan!" (that's what he calls me!) "Nanna!" You have come to take me home?" "Can I watch a movie?" "I had my feelings hurt today, Nan!" All this before we got out the door. Mind you he was so happy to see me he left his bag and coat behind so I had to gently persuade him he had better get those as well.
Carolina had a midwife's clinic at Monash for a checkup so we met her at Maccas (oops! I know I shouldn't be there) and I shouted lunch.
Riley was so upset when he had to go in their own car and home for a sleep. He was crying and saying;" I want to sleep in your bed Nan, I don't want to go to my bed!" Poor little treasure.
I got some work done today. A replacement layout for transparency class and finished this mornings two layouts. Now I need to do two other replacement layouts for transparencies and I will be getting on top of things a bit.
Nothing else major has happened. Oops! that's not right!
A few weeks ago I had sent off a bundle of layouts to Express Publications. They came back today and they have accepted 1xsingle layout and 3xdouble layouts for publications.
I had had a senior moment when I sent the layouts because I was meant to stick some photos on one of them before sending it. So I had to leave a message with Kris Yealand to explain what I had done. She wrote on a letter from them that she really likes the layout but with photos it would look a lot better :)! And could I please send it back to them when it has the photos on it.
So that was exciting news.
I'm going to watch the news on TV now!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
The Starving Room
Monty is back home from Queensland. Hoorah! I have always helped look after Monty since he was born (5.5 yrs ago). And when he goes away to visit with his Dad it is always strange for me too. I don't have to pick him up or take him anywhere.
So this morning I got to take him to school again. It's a lot of fun. I told him I had missed him and that maybe I could spend the day with him at school. And he told me that if I was to come I couldn't hang around his class room that I would have to go to the 'starving room'. Uhmmm.....well after a bit more discussion I figured out he meant 'the staff room'. I just love the special things he says.
I went to the movies with Andrea, Orson and Sahn today. We went to Fountain Gate and saw Mission Impossible 2. It was pretty good - we enjoyed it. Sahn slept and Orson slept so we were very lucky.
I had to buy another trimmer. Yep! The pink one from K-Mart at $14.95! Do I need another trimmer? No! Should have saved the money for when the dog food is on special!
I bought Gramps a battery powered shaver. He has been using blades for always and now he keeps cutting his face and the sores are not healing well.
So we will take that over to him tonight and hopefully we can help him with that.
I've been having fun making a perpetual birthday calendar. It isn't my design but it's fun to be a member of 'the copy team' sometimes.
I really need to be doing more class stuff. Tomorrow!
So this morning I got to take him to school again. It's a lot of fun. I told him I had missed him and that maybe I could spend the day with him at school. And he told me that if I was to come I couldn't hang around his class room that I would have to go to the 'starving room'. Uhmmm.....well after a bit more discussion I figured out he meant 'the staff room'. I just love the special things he says.
I went to the movies with Andrea, Orson and Sahn today. We went to Fountain Gate and saw Mission Impossible 2. It was pretty good - we enjoyed it. Sahn slept and Orson slept so we were very lucky.
I had to buy another trimmer. Yep! The pink one from K-Mart at $14.95! Do I need another trimmer? No! Should have saved the money for when the dog food is on special!
I bought Gramps a battery powered shaver. He has been using blades for always and now he keeps cutting his face and the sores are not healing well.
So we will take that over to him tonight and hopefully we can help him with that.
I've been having fun making a perpetual birthday calendar. It isn't my design but it's fun to be a member of 'the copy team' sometimes.
I really need to be doing more class stuff. Tomorrow!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Sunday Mothers Day
Today started off the same as any other Sunday. Me getting up first. Feeding the dog, putting the budgies outside. Having a shower and getting ready for Church. Colin just gets himself ready!!!! (hmmm!).
He did wish me a happy Mothers Day -but seeing as I am not his Mother there wasn't any need for a pressie.
At Church the little children (all 10 of them) had a great time pasting hearts and flowers etc. onto a card for their Mummies. I added some Kindy Glitz and the kids were so proud of them.
For lunch we went to Andrea and Jethro's. Everyone put in towards the meal and it was yummy. Had a great time chatting and playing with the 'little people'.
I got some lovely presents which included the Greys Anatomy Series 1 DVD, Human Nature's new CD, some body lotion products and would you believe it - CHOCOLATES. I hid them from Colin cuz then I would have to share! Shame on me!
We left Andrea's about 5:30pm and visited with Gramps for about an hour. He is so sweet. He has kept all his oranges for a whole week and given them to us in a bag. The rotten ones with the OK ones. (They are all in our bin now!) Last week when it was his birthday I gave him a homemade card and he has written all over it saying thanks to everyone for his lovely birthday.
He is so funny. There are notes all over his room. He stuck one on his door and it says: 'the only person to get everything done by Friday was Robinson Crusoe'. I hope that doesn't need explaining.
Well I'm home now. And like Kim I havn't scrapped all day - so I am getting to go and play in my room for a while.
It's been a really lovely Mothers Day. I am very lucky and very blessed with my children and their spouses. We are all very close and times like today make me really appreciate each of them. Sara wrote in my card that I have helped her be a better mother - so it that's all I've ever achieved in this life the journey has been worth it.
He did wish me a happy Mothers Day -but seeing as I am not his Mother there wasn't any need for a pressie.
At Church the little children (all 10 of them) had a great time pasting hearts and flowers etc. onto a card for their Mummies. I added some Kindy Glitz and the kids were so proud of them.
For lunch we went to Andrea and Jethro's. Everyone put in towards the meal and it was yummy. Had a great time chatting and playing with the 'little people'.
I got some lovely presents which included the Greys Anatomy Series 1 DVD, Human Nature's new CD, some body lotion products and would you believe it - CHOCOLATES. I hid them from Colin cuz then I would have to share! Shame on me!
We left Andrea's about 5:30pm and visited with Gramps for about an hour. He is so sweet. He has kept all his oranges for a whole week and given them to us in a bag. The rotten ones with the OK ones. (They are all in our bin now!) Last week when it was his birthday I gave him a homemade card and he has written all over it saying thanks to everyone for his lovely birthday.
He is so funny. There are notes all over his room. He stuck one on his door and it says: 'the only person to get everything done by Friday was Robinson Crusoe'. I hope that doesn't need explaining.
Well I'm home now. And like Kim I havn't scrapped all day - so I am getting to go and play in my room for a while.
It's been a really lovely Mothers Day. I am very lucky and very blessed with my children and their spouses. We are all very close and times like today make me really appreciate each of them. Sara wrote in my card that I have helped her be a better mother - so it that's all I've ever achieved in this life the journey has been worth it.
Great Day
Today was pretty good!!! Work was very busy. Trying to get new products priced and on the shelves and serving customers. Sarah and I felt like we were chasing our tails all morning. In the arvo I taught the last of my stamping classes. The girls all enjoyed it. Had 5 in the class.
Then at home I made a Tiramisu dessert (replacing coffee with caro!! of course!).
After that I needed to prepare some stuff for 12 18mths-3yr olds to make mothers day cards from at Church today. Punched out lots of flowers and hearts and butterflies.
I had a relaxing evening watching Doc.Martin and The Bill. I love those two shows.
Martin & Tambi called in on their way out to dinner. Mckenzie and India were with them (Isaac staying at Blakeys house). I won't be seeing them on Mothers Day so they brought me a lovely present. A perfume called Beauty by Elizabeth Arden.
Sleep time now.
Then at home I made a Tiramisu dessert (replacing coffee with caro!! of course!).
After that I needed to prepare some stuff for 12 18mths-3yr olds to make mothers day cards from at Church today. Punched out lots of flowers and hearts and butterflies.
I had a relaxing evening watching Doc.Martin and The Bill. I love those two shows.
Martin & Tambi called in on their way out to dinner. Mckenzie and India were with them (Isaac staying at Blakeys house). I won't be seeing them on Mothers Day so they brought me a lovely present. A perfume called Beauty by Elizabeth Arden.
Sleep time now.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Friday Mayhem
A day off - or so I thought! I didn't actually work but I had a very busy day.
It started with meeting Kimmie and Wendy at Scraptac. So that we could co-ordinate and pay for our flights and accomodation to the Kiwi Scraps Convention in August. It took a while, but we are all booked and paid for.
So, then it was off home to drop off bits and pieces and then out again for grocery shopping. And would you believe it - without my being aware of it Richies had dog food on special! Wowie! I bought another 7tins. I think our dog will do OK if we have a big emergency and can't buy food for a while. Actually - the dog will struggle because we will probably end up eating the dog food. Oh yuck! this is getting out of hand!
When I brought home the groceries I remembered that I had framed a gorgeous layout of Riley and had put it up on the wall, so I asked Daniel what he thought of it seeing as Riley is his son. Well that question started a big chain of events.
"I love it Mum. I was wondering if I could buy it off you for Carolina for mothers day?"
"Oh!" was my reply.
Then -"But you don't have one of Joshie and you can't just give her Riley" (I thought that would end the discussion)
"Well Mum do you have a good page of Joshua that I could buy as well?"
I thought and thought and then I (silly me) came up with the idea that I could 'copy' a layout Kim had just brought into the shop and that would be a great page of Joshie to frame.
Well Daniel thought that was ACE.
So I rushed back to the shop. Grabbed the layout and the materials. Bought two more frames and headed off to my scrapbook room.
Mind you the groceries are still sitting on the kitchen bench.
It took me a couple of hours but the framed page looked great.
So Daniel went off home with both frames wrapped in a tablecloth. I hope Carolina likes them.
And me, of course only charged Daniel for the two frames. Although I did tell him my time is worth $200 per hour and he now owes me around $1000. Don't think I'll ever see that!
It was fun though! I get such pleasure out of scrapbooking that to see the page framed was payment enough. And --- my work will be displayed in a new environment. (I just h0pe Carolina doesn't hang them in the boys bedroom - cuz then only little people will see them).
I had an early night after such a busy day.
I have so many projects in my head that I want to do but so little time to do them.
Today I am working. Teaching a class in the afternoon. Then off to visit Gramps, then to call into Martin and Tambi's and then home to make dessert for Mothers/Grandmothers lunch at Andrea's tomorrow.
Better go have that shower.
It started with meeting Kimmie and Wendy at Scraptac. So that we could co-ordinate and pay for our flights and accomodation to the Kiwi Scraps Convention in August. It took a while, but we are all booked and paid for.
So, then it was off home to drop off bits and pieces and then out again for grocery shopping. And would you believe it - without my being aware of it Richies had dog food on special! Wowie! I bought another 7tins. I think our dog will do OK if we have a big emergency and can't buy food for a while. Actually - the dog will struggle because we will probably end up eating the dog food. Oh yuck! this is getting out of hand!
When I brought home the groceries I remembered that I had framed a gorgeous layout of Riley and had put it up on the wall, so I asked Daniel what he thought of it seeing as Riley is his son. Well that question started a big chain of events.
"I love it Mum. I was wondering if I could buy it off you for Carolina for mothers day?"
"Oh!" was my reply.
Then -"But you don't have one of Joshie and you can't just give her Riley" (I thought that would end the discussion)
"Well Mum do you have a good page of Joshua that I could buy as well?"
I thought and thought and then I (silly me) came up with the idea that I could 'copy' a layout Kim had just brought into the shop and that would be a great page of Joshie to frame.
Well Daniel thought that was ACE.
So I rushed back to the shop. Grabbed the layout and the materials. Bought two more frames and headed off to my scrapbook room.
Mind you the groceries are still sitting on the kitchen bench.
It took me a couple of hours but the framed page looked great.
So Daniel went off home with both frames wrapped in a tablecloth. I hope Carolina likes them.
And me, of course only charged Daniel for the two frames. Although I did tell him my time is worth $200 per hour and he now owes me around $1000. Don't think I'll ever see that!
It was fun though! I get such pleasure out of scrapbooking that to see the page framed was payment enough. And --- my work will be displayed in a new environment. (I just h0pe Carolina doesn't hang them in the boys bedroom - cuz then only little people will see them).
I had an early night after such a busy day.
I have so many projects in my head that I want to do but so little time to do them.
Today I am working. Teaching a class in the afternoon. Then off to visit Gramps, then to call into Martin and Tambi's and then home to make dessert for Mothers/Grandmothers lunch at Andrea's tomorrow.
Better go have that shower.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Home At Last

It's the end of a long day. Working from 10am - 9:15pm is a long day and night. However, I cannot complain cuz I love what I do. I had 9 people in my class tonight and they all did such lovely layouts. Each one different, yet all from my original design.
Had a good day, except for one small hitch. Had a 'weigh-in' with Dr.Nick and I actually put on a little bit of a few ounces (just a little bit, not much!). Which is a bit disappointing. I will have to get on the treadmill. Now that it's dark earlier we don't take Mari the pooch out for a walk as often and I am just not getting any exercise. Which is probably making the difference. As well as the 'occasional' wrong thing I eat.
The Herbal Life rep that I buy the products from is forever pressuring me to get into the sales side of their business. I told her right from the start that I don't have time and not interested - but even today she popped into the shop and gave me a magazine all about pyramid selling and how rich Herbal Life has made people. I am still not interested.
Now you may wonder who that is in the photo. Well there is ME of course! And Mr. Rusty Pickle - otherwise known as Lance Anderson. He and his wife are the owners of RustyPickle. And he taught three classes at Scraptacular which I obviously attended.
I havn't finished any of them yet - but I will! One day!
Time to go to bed!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Here I go again!
It's already Wednesday morning. I had decided that I wouldn't write on here every day. So, I am sticking to my resolve. Cuz I did miss yesterday!
Yesterday was work and teaching Hard & Fast which is always fun. Eight girls in the class with four brand new ones. They had a great time so hopefully we'll see them again.
Same old same old at home.
But the great thing was that the Tasmanian miners finally got out of the mine safely, in good shape and they walked out! That was the most fantastic thing to see on TV. AFter 14days being 1km stuck down the mine they walked out. What a miracle.
Did plenty of work on a layout for a heritage class - and made Sassy Sarah a birthday card. I bet she thinks we, at Scraptacular have forgotten it was her birthday yesterday. By the time she reads this she will know we didn't forget. Just sneakily planning behind her back! hehe
That's it. Got the day off today and I am going to do the following:
A class at Scraptacular (as if I don't spend enought time (money!!) there already)
K Mart for a nice light cardigan
Scrapping at home
Maybe a rest - who knows.
That's really it!
Yesterday was work and teaching Hard & Fast which is always fun. Eight girls in the class with four brand new ones. They had a great time so hopefully we'll see them again.
Same old same old at home.
But the great thing was that the Tasmanian miners finally got out of the mine safely, in good shape and they walked out! That was the most fantastic thing to see on TV. AFter 14days being 1km stuck down the mine they walked out. What a miracle.
Did plenty of work on a layout for a heritage class - and made Sassy Sarah a birthday card. I bet she thinks we, at Scraptacular have forgotten it was her birthday yesterday. By the time she reads this she will know we didn't forget. Just sneakily planning behind her back! hehe
That's it. Got the day off today and I am going to do the following:
A class at Scraptacular (as if I don't spend enought time (money!!) there already)
K Mart for a nice light cardigan
Scrapping at home
Maybe a rest - who knows.
That's really it!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Just Another Monday
Work, work, work. What's the worst thing about working at Scraptacular? All the new products constantly coming in (pink staplers!!) and me wanting and needing and must having over them all.
It was a freezing day today so I actually turned the heater on at work. I never do that!! A lot of buzz around the shop with things to attend to. Boxes and parcels and new magazines being delivered. It's so much fun.
Got home and opened some tinned soup. Reheated some leftovers from the party yesterday and that was dinner. How easy is that! That was after putting out the bins, cleaning out the bins inside to fill up the outside bin. Bringing in the washing, folding it up and putting it away. Feeding Mari the dog. Bringing the budgies inside and giving them fresh water and seed.
No wonder I'm tired. What does Colin do around here? Better not ask him cuz I'm sure he 'thinks' he does a lot.
Starting on a Heritage class layout tonight, before Commander and Chief comes on and then off to bed to get ready to teach Hard & Fast in the morning.
That's it for my day.
Oh yeah! One important thing. I just love it when dog food is on special!!! You might ask why that would excite me so. Cuz it's so darn expensive. So now when it's on special I try to buy a whole months worth. I think that's pretty darn smart. So, this week Safeway are selling them for $1.29 per tin which is quite a nice saving and definetly worth buying in 'bulk'.
Thought that was important information!
It was a freezing day today so I actually turned the heater on at work. I never do that!! A lot of buzz around the shop with things to attend to. Boxes and parcels and new magazines being delivered. It's so much fun.
Got home and opened some tinned soup. Reheated some leftovers from the party yesterday and that was dinner. How easy is that! That was after putting out the bins, cleaning out the bins inside to fill up the outside bin. Bringing in the washing, folding it up and putting it away. Feeding Mari the dog. Bringing the budgies inside and giving them fresh water and seed.
No wonder I'm tired. What does Colin do around here? Better not ask him cuz I'm sure he 'thinks' he does a lot.
Starting on a Heritage class layout tonight, before Commander and Chief comes on and then off to bed to get ready to teach Hard & Fast in the morning.
That's it for my day.
Oh yeah! One important thing. I just love it when dog food is on special!!! You might ask why that would excite me so. Cuz it's so darn expensive. So now when it's on special I try to buy a whole months worth. I think that's pretty darn smart. So, this week Safeway are selling them for $1.29 per tin which is quite a nice saving and definetly worth buying in 'bulk'.
Thought that was important information!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Thanks for all your comments girls!
Today, being Sunday has been another busy day for me. Church as per usual.
Then grandsons Riley and Joshua came back to visit with us and everything was beautifully peaceful whilst they had lunch played a bit and Riley went for a well needed nap.
Then DH comes home and poor Joshua couldn't do anything right and ended up in tears wanting his Mumma. Poor darling!
DH just doesn't have a clue about thinking of a little 4yr olds feelings.
Of course it all turned out allright in the end but gee, he's hard work sometimes.
We had a wonderful evening celebrating my father-in-laws 90th birthday. Big Gramps as all the 'little people' call him. We all contributed food and took it to RSL park where he is a resident and got together, with him as the guest of honour, in one of their lovely rooms.
Of course, when we first got there I went to find Big Gramps. He was in bed! Still in his PJ's. In fact, this was 4:30pm and he had been in bed all day. I tried to explain to him what was happening (he had been told yesterday!), and he just couldn't work it out because his birthday is actually tomorrow. Why would we all be coming today. I had to write on a piece of paper that everyone is at work on Monday! He was rather surprised that we work on His birthday!
Once we got him organised we had a lot of fun watching him, watching everything happening around him. He can't really particpate in conversations anymore because he can't hear very well at all. Some of his great grandchildren wished him a happy birthday, but he didn't hear them. I got some great (I hope!) photos of him opening some presents with the help of several great-grandchildren.
At 6:30pm it was all over. We packed up, cleaned up and Big Gramps almost chased us out the door! I think he had had enough.
Another day has passed, full of great memories.
Thanks for all your comments girls!
Today, being Sunday has been another busy day for me. Church as per usual.
Then grandsons Riley and Joshua came back to visit with us and everything was beautifully peaceful whilst they had lunch played a bit and Riley went for a well needed nap.
Then DH comes home and poor Joshua couldn't do anything right and ended up in tears wanting his Mumma. Poor darling!
DH just doesn't have a clue about thinking of a little 4yr olds feelings.
Of course it all turned out allright in the end but gee, he's hard work sometimes.
We had a wonderful evening celebrating my father-in-laws 90th birthday. Big Gramps as all the 'little people' call him. We all contributed food and took it to RSL park where he is a resident and got together, with him as the guest of honour, in one of their lovely rooms.
Of course, when we first got there I went to find Big Gramps. He was in bed! Still in his PJ's. In fact, this was 4:30pm and he had been in bed all day. I tried to explain to him what was happening (he had been told yesterday!), and he just couldn't work it out because his birthday is actually tomorrow. Why would we all be coming today. I had to write on a piece of paper that everyone is at work on Monday! He was rather surprised that we work on His birthday!
Once we got him organised we had a lot of fun watching him, watching everything happening around him. He can't really particpate in conversations anymore because he can't hear very well at all. Some of his great grandchildren wished him a happy birthday, but he didn't hear them. I got some great (I hope!) photos of him opening some presents with the help of several great-grandchildren.
At 6:30pm it was all over. We packed up, cleaned up and Big Gramps almost chased us out the door! I think he had had enough.
Another day has passed, full of great memories.
Friday, May 05, 2006
The Beginning
After hearing everyone else talking about their blogs, i decided to have a little sneak around and here I am. Joining the masses.
I am not sure how often I will use this and what I will put on here but it may be very worthwhile in terms of remember events etc.
This week I was planning to get so much done, and got thwarted (mainly by myself) at each turn.
Three consecutive days off from work. Planning to get lots of layouts and class preparations done.
Well, really - what did I do instead? I ran around for others (including Colin and the new car saga) did some necessarry grocery shopping. I did spend some quality time with Andrea and Orson and Sahn but spent far too much money.
In the end I spent from 11am until 12pm one day up-dating some class layouts. I was very happy with what I have accomplished in such a short time. But - I really 'wanted' to do more!
Now I am working for the rest of the week and baby sitting (surprise!) and that will take care of my 'spare' time.
Do I sound frustrated? Of course! But, that's life - it always gets in the way of my wanting to scrapbook. Doesn't anyone understand that I have pencils to sharpen, and rubons to sort and papers to choose. Then there are the embellishments..!!
Time to get ready for.....wait for it! WORK!
I am not sure how often I will use this and what I will put on here but it may be very worthwhile in terms of remember events etc.
This week I was planning to get so much done, and got thwarted (mainly by myself) at each turn.
Three consecutive days off from work. Planning to get lots of layouts and class preparations done.
Well, really - what did I do instead? I ran around for others (including Colin and the new car saga) did some necessarry grocery shopping. I did spend some quality time with Andrea and Orson and Sahn but spent far too much money.
In the end I spent from 11am until 12pm one day up-dating some class layouts. I was very happy with what I have accomplished in such a short time. But - I really 'wanted' to do more!
Now I am working for the rest of the week and baby sitting (surprise!) and that will take care of my 'spare' time.
Do I sound frustrated? Of course! But, that's life - it always gets in the way of my wanting to scrapbook. Doesn't anyone understand that I have pencils to sharpen, and rubons to sort and papers to choose. Then there are the embellishments..!!
Time to get ready for.....wait for it! WORK!
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